Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,10

high.” He paused. “Is she going to do it?”

“I think she will. She turned me down, but she’ll look at the photos and the children’s stories. They’ll be very effective. Then she won’t be able to resist going back and finding out more about Maldara. She’ll allow a little time to pass, then she’ll find a way to do what I asked.”

“You seem certain.”

“I’m as certain as I can be considering how intelligent she is. As I told her, I did my homework.” Jill added curtly, “She doesn’t want to do it. She wants to keep her commitments with all those law-enforcement bodies she had on her agenda. And she has family responsibilities and knows that there’s always a possibility of harm when you go to a country like Maldara. That’s why you have to reassure her that the risk is minimal when she starts checking. Have you set it up?”

“Of course,” he said dryly. “This isn’t my first rodeo, Jill.”

“No, you were probably there when they built the Colosseum. I’m the one who doesn’t have the experience. But I have to do this right, Novak.” Her hands tightened on the steering wheel. “And the risk has to be as minimal as we’re letting her think. You have to keep her safe, Novak.”

“It will go right if you’ve read Eve Duncan right. You’ve told me all the things that are con, what are the pros?”

“Only two things. I’m good at what I do. I made very sure the photos of the massacre and the families will shock and touch her. And I guarantee my stories in that envelope will do the rest. They’re going to haunt her, she won’t be able to forget them.”

“And the other thing?”

“She likes me,” she said simply. “And I know it’s hard for her not to trust someone she likes.” She drew a shaky breath. “Because I like her, too. So make sure we don’t get her butchered, Novak.”

“I’ll work on it.”

She braced herself. “And while you’re doing that, I should tell you that on that last day before I left Maldara, I thought I was being followed.”

“You were. Don’t worry. I’m on it. I’ll get back to you.”

“That’s comforting,” she said dryly. “Kind of you to let me know.” She cut the connection.

She didn’t feel as if she could talk to Novak any more right now. He was a master at the games that all those covert organizations played, and she was a rank amateur. That was fine with her; she had never wanted to be anything but a journalist and tell the story.

But not this story.

She stiffened as she glimpsed Eve Duncan’s Toyota driving down the lake road. She was at the wheel, and her son and husband were smiling and talking to her. She was also smiling and looked happy as if life was good and there was no Maldara in the world.

And Jill could make certain there would be no Maldara for Eve Duncan. She could step away and take the story in another direction.

But she knew she wasn’t going to do it.

She was going to let it happen.



Atlanta Airport

Atlanta, Georgia

I’ll call you from London as soon as we get in,” Joe said. “Jane said that we’ll be going out to breakfast after she picks us up, then drop by her apartment to rest until she and Michael leave for Wales tomorrow evening.”

“And you’ll be using her apartment while you’re at the seminar,” Eve said. “I told you it was meant to be. The timing was almost too good to be true.”

“Not if you’re not with us.” His hand reached up to cup her cheek. “Change your mind?”

“I’m tempted.” More than tempted. The idea of going back home while they flew off into the wild blue yonder was already causing her an aching sense of loss. “Maybe after I finish Nora. I’ll see in a few days.”

“Good.” He kissed her. “I’ll keep after you.”

“If you have time,” she said ruefully. “During that last seminar at the Yard, you were busy from dusk to dawn. And afterward, you and the guys were cementing international relations at every pub near Scotland Yard.”

“Only the one on Whitehall. The others closed too early. But I might just have time for you.” He grinned. “Try me.” He slipped his arm around her waist, and they walked toward the jetway, where Michael was waiting, playing a game on his computer. “Though I’ll have to think about it. I was a little insulted when you sent Michael in Copyright 2016 - 2024