Smoke & Ashes (Kate Kane, Paranormal Investigator #4) - Alexis Hall Page 0,54

own bed like an ordinary human being? Kate Kane, what has happened to you?”

“I’ve grown as a person.”

“That, I find very unlikely.” She was quiet for a moment, although I could still hear her breathing. “You know, I could send a car if you wanted?”

Tempting. Very tempting. “I—and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’ll pass.”

“You’re not going off me are you?” Tara didn’t do insecurity, so it sounded more like a come-on than like somebody fishing for compliments.

“No I just—I’ve been distracting myself. And don’t get me wrong you’ve been a fucking amazing distraction and I’ll come and get distracted again soon, but things might be about to get chaotic, and I think it’d be good to try and get my shit at least a little bit together before it does.”

“Don’t wait too long, darling. I’m not a patient woman.” Another pointed silence, then. “By the way, your oracle tells me that you went hunting the witch-creature. Did you find her?”

“Sort of. I found out which entrance to the Cold and Dark she seems to be using, so we can probably follow her if we have to.”

“If we have to?” The amusement was gone from Tara’s voice. “She killed one of my own and several more of my pack are still missing. Did you think tracking her down was optional.”

Okay, that had been a poor choice of words. “I more meant it felt like a really obvious trap. The door she’s using is over water, which is fine for somebody who doesn’t need to breathe. A lot less fine for you or me. Plus there’s still the Prince of Wands to think about.”

“I sometimes feel that you give that man too much credit. He was powerful at our last confrontation because he had stolen the power of a god. Without that he’s just another vampire.”

Maybe she was right. After all, I’d only ever fought him when he was in full now-you-shall-see-my-true-power mode. Then again. “My long-term girlfriend left me to die rather than stand up to him. Say what you like about Julian, but she wasn’t stupid and she wasn’t a coward.” I couldn’t quite believe that Tara was making me defend the ex who’d let Sebastian Douglas bleed me into a bowl, but here I was. “The Prince of Wands is dangerous and I don’t know what he’s up to, and that makes him more dangerous.”

“Perhaps,” Tara still had her serious voice on, “although if you have a means to find the woman who killed Tabitha, we should pursue it.”

“Sure. I—give me a bit to get sorted out at this end. There’s still stuff I need to do.”

“Such as?”

I kind of wished she hadn’t asked that. “I don’t know. I’ve been seeing things lately. Having dreams. Somebody out there wants something from me and I’m getting the feeling they won’t let me rest until I start confronting it.”

I heard an intake of breath on the other end of the line. I swear I’d never known anybody who breathed as expressively as Tara—it must have been a werewolf perk. “This is starting to sound dangerous. Are you sure you should be alone?”

“Most of my life is dangerous. And unless you can get into my dreams, I think I’ll be alone for the bits that matter anyway. I called you because I—I don’t know. I guess I felt like I needed a pep talk or something.”

“A pep talk?” Her tone was withering.

“Sorry, things keep coming out wrong today. I mean I wanted to know somebody was on my side. Because I’m not going to lie, all the people with hotlines into my head have been getting a bit scary lately.”

“I’m on your side, Kate Kane.” There was something deeply reassuring about hearing it. It wasn’t something Julian had ever said, which I suppose in a way was honest of her. “Even if this is something you need to do alone.”

I put down my Bovril, wormed under my bedclothes and shut my eyes. “Thanks. And it is, but if you’d carry on talking for a while I think it’d help.”

“What would you like me to say?”

I could already feel myself drifting off. It had been a long day, and Bovril had that effect on me. “Anything you like. Just let me know you’re there.”

Silence, and the sound of her breathing. It would have been enough, honestly. “Very well,” she said. “Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at Copyright 2016 - 2024