Smoke & Ashes (Kate Kane, Paranormal Investigator #4) - Alexis Hall Page 0,39

seen way less of this shit, and a psychopath with the body of a teenager throwing a human heart at you was a hell of an introduction. Right then she looked very young and very scared and I was very, very glad I hadn’t fucked her.

“I’m going to call the police,” I explained. “Which is going to be complicated because the person who did this is probably working with the Prince of Wands, and his entire job is to make this sort of mess go away, and he can also control minds. So if you get asked any questions don’t lie, but don’t say anything you don’t have to, and trust nobody. Especially if they’re wearing a suspicious-looking scarf or their eyes are all glazed over.”

I got what I thought were nods of agreement, although in their position I’d have been half-listening at best. Part of me wondered if leaving the cops out of this would be the best plan, because I wouldn’t have put it past Sebastian Douglas to actively try to fit Sofia up for murder, especially if he knew that she was still doing the glowy thing that would keep her relatively safe from vampires. Then again, if he was, I didn’t think the corpses of three eviscerated young men were the way to go—even with vampiric poking you’d have a hell of a time convincing a jury that Sofia was the hearts-out-with-the-bare-hands type.

The cops showed up commendably fast on account of massacres getting their attention pretty damned quickly, and the rest of the night was the usual round of long interviews and awkward questions, mostly directed at me because I was the person who looked least like she belonged in a student let in North Acton. The sheer bloody violence of the scene worked out to our advantage, because it was very unlikely the police would get from “suspicious lady PI” to “three mangled co-eds” without some serious mental gymnastics they were not about to be doing.

We all gave our statements and our details and agreed not to skip the country, and then that was that. It was also about three in the morning, but I made us all caffeinated beverages anyway because I suspected nobody was going to be sleeping well that night.

“What happens now?” Sofia was sitting in Flick’s lap and staring at the table like she had at the candle.

“Long term or short term?”


“Short term you go to bed. Long term we’ll think about it.”

Flick gave me a slightly awkward look. “You can stay in my room, if you like,” she said. “I think I’ll be in with this one for the rest of the evening.”

Sofia glanced at the unslept-on sofa, then over her shoulder at Flick, then at me. “Kate,” her eyes widened. “You didn’t?”

“Y’know,” I said. “I actually didn’t.”

“And if she had it would have been kind of on me.” Flick pulled an apologetic face.

“You’re both impossible. I should never have introduced you.” Sofia sipped her tea and went silent again. I think the opportunity to be shocked at my behaviour helped calm her down a bit. It was something familiar in a world that was getting increasingly … not that. Then again, now she’d gone full oracle, this was where she lived. She was probably going to have to get used to burying people.

Leaving her own tea untouched, Flick laid her head against her friend’s shoulder. “Not to come across as selfish or anything, but is she going to come back? And when she does is she going to try to kill me again?”

“Very likely.” I said. “On both counts. If we’re lucky she’ll realise that Patrick has a new girlfriend and move on to her instead.”

Flick didn’t seem reassured by this. “Okay, to be a bit less selfish for a moment, doesn’t that mean a different completely innocent girl getting tormented and murdered?”

“She’ll have Patrick to protect her.” My own tea was getting cold but I wasn’t in the mood for it anyway. “And while he’s a dick, protecting people he’s obsessing over is the one thing he’s really, really good at. It’s literally his superpower.”

Sofia wriggled in Flick’s arms. “I still think we should warn them.”

“I warned Patrick,” I told her. “He naturally thought I was trying to get him back, which should have tipped me off there was a new girl in his life. He’d just about stopped pulling that shit while he was with you, but I swear he does a complete emotional reset every time Copyright 2016 - 2024