Small Town Girls Don't Marry Their Back-Ups - Carol Moncado Page 0,16

cameras or microphones would follow them behind closed doors. Another reason for Madi to be grateful to her aunt.

Until then, she had to put on a happy face for the cameras and the small crowd.

She was happy.

Except for the fact she had to be around people. She’d already been around people all. day. long.

“You okay?”

Madi looked up to see Wyatt’s brows pulled together in concern. “I’m fine. Why?” She looked down at herself. “Do I not look okay?”

“Just a bit stressed.”

A real, albeit wry, smile crossed her face. “Well, my plans for tonight originally included my favorite pajamas, my big chair, and a good book. Alone. With some ice cream. As much as I like you and the people I know in the crowd, that’s generally my preferred Friday night activity.”

“I see. So you’re a stay at home kind of gal most of the time?” He took her hand and together, they walked slowly down the hall.

“More often than not.”

They reached the end of the hall and met up with one of the photographers standing in front of a cameraman.

Reminders that the next thirty days of her life would be on camera.

Maybe she could set up an office in her bedroom.

The cameras couldn’t follow her in there.

Except Mama Beach had already told her that wouldn’t be allowed.

“Just think.” Wyatt stopped as they walked into the small ballroom. “In less than twenty-four hours, we’ll be in our home for the next month, and there’s no chance we’ll have to be out in the middle of the ice storm that’s supposed to hit here on Sunday.”

That made Madi laugh. “Most of the time, those ice storms don’t amount to much.”

“I’d still rather know I don’t have to be out in it.”

Before she could answer, the wedding coordinator and the producer took over.

She did manage to eat a little bit of the meal and a piece of cake.

When it was time for their first dance, Madi found herself more at home than she’d been in years.

Wyatt held her close, tucking their hands in next to his chest. He was taller than she’d realized, even when she’d run into him. He had to be at least a couple of inches over six foot and beneath the hand on his shoulder, she could feel the play of muscles even through his tuxedo jacket and vest.

When that dance ended, she danced with Sean. Wyatt danced with Mia.


Did he have any family in attendance?

What did she know about his family in the first place?

Now wasn’t the time to ask, but she would.


When there were no cameras or microphones.

The clock had nearly struck midnight when they were finally released to go to the suite.

Outside the door, Wyatt pulled a keycard out of his pocket.

Madi squealed when he swung her up into his arms and carried her over the threshold.

The door slammed shut behind them, and he set her down just a couple of steps inside the room. He reached behind his back, removed the power pack, and made sure it no longer picked up their words.

When he smiled at her, it was different than the smile she’d seen him wear all evening. This one seemed more tired somehow.

“That’s over,” he told her leaning back against the wall and toeing off one shoe then the other. “I don’t know about you, but I think I’m ready for bed.”

Madi felt her eyes go wide. What exactly did he mean by that?

As soon as he said it and saw the look on Madi’s face, Wyatt realized how his words must have sounded.

“I just mean that I’m exhausted. I didn’t sleep well the last few nights.”

Madi’s shoulders sagged. “I’m really kind of done peopleing.”

“You don’t like people?” That could be a problem.

“I like people. I just don’t like being around people indefinitely.” She walked farther into the room and sank onto the bed.

Rose petals had been scattered everywhere, including a bunch making a heart shape on the plush-looking comforter.

Madi messed them all up when she flopped backwards. “I know this probably isn’t the wedding night you would have wanted, but I’m exhausted. You said you are, too. There’s been a lot of people around the last few days. There will be more tomorrow when we head to wherever it is we have to go before the house. Once we get to it, we might get a bit of a reprieve.” She pushed up onto her elbows. “I like people. I really do. But I like to have a bit more say in Copyright 2016 - 2024