The Slow Burn (Moonlight and Motor Oil #2) - Kristen Ashley Page 0,6

men don’t see it that way,” she ended on a mutter.

“We met five hours ago. And in that five hours, babe, I didn’t make any promises,” he reminded her, doing it going careful because he hadn’t, but he had been a dick (though that was a stretch, but if he stretched it he could see where she was coming from, he wasn’t a huge fan of sleep, there was too much living to do, but he got others were) and now she had a point.

“Oh no, they never do,” she sniped.

Hang on a second.

“You give it up, I give it up, I make you go twice. Tell me, Kristy, where do you think that puts us?” he asked. “Not bein’ a dick now, babe. Really wanna know so I don’t run into this shit again.” He flung an arm out her way. “I mean, it’s clear you don’t want me to think you’re easy when I’m just as easy. So a woman can bang a man all easy. But a man bangs a woman, there’s some inherent promise in that?”

She didn’t have an answer to his question and she shared that by replying, “Fuck you.”

“Great,” he muttered, bending and reaching for his socks.

Boy, he could pick them.

Just like his dad.

He turned his back on her to sit on the bed and pull his socks on.

“You know, maybe I thought we were starting something,” she said to his back.

He twisted to her. “And maybe we would have been if you didn’t call me a dick.”

She threw out both arms. “So it’s me calling you a dick and not you kicking me out of your bed that puts us here?”

He stood again and turned to her. “No, it was me actually being a dick and making a call when you were sleeping, ’cause, you see, Kristy, I live alone so I’m not used to having a woman sleeping beside me in bed. Especially that woman bein’ you, since I only met you tonight, so I didn’t think, and I should have because that was a dick move. But me waking you up and you not sayin’, ‘Who was that, baby?’ Then saying, ‘It’s sweet you called your mom to celebrate the news, but next time, do you mind not doin’ it in bed when I’m sleeping? I’m a light sleeper.’ Instead, you give me shit like I’m phonin’ some other woman when I’m with you, that’s what put us here.”

“Thanks for the lesson in consideration, Toby. Next time a guy’s an asshole, I’ll be all sweet instead of just pointing out he’s an asshole.”

“What I’m saying, Kristy, is a man might not know he’s bein’ an asshole, or you think he’s bein’ an asshole, so maybe bein’ a modicum of cool in pointing it out, he’d learn the way with you and not do it again.”

She snapped her mouth shut.

She opened it to clip out, “I’ll call a friend to give me a ride.”

“Takin’ you home,” he murmured, turning back to sit on the bed and pull on his boots.

“Don’t do me any favors.”

“For fuck’s sake,” he muttered, and pulled on his boots.

When he got up, he found she was dressed.

He also saw by the look on her face she was in a different mood.

“You know, you want me to cut you some slack in being a dick, maybe you should do the same. I mean, I did just wake up, Toby.”


After ten minutes.


She gave him that, he gave it back to her.

“And then you called me a dick and gave me shit about eating your pussy and kicking you out of my bed. I’d give you a blow by blow, but it just happened, and you were there. You think when we got zero foundation but a couple of orgasms, after all that ugly we can resurrect something that hadn’t even gotten off the ground?”

“Probably not,” she mumbled.

Definitely not.

He moved to the bedroom door.

He was at it when she called, “You know . . .”

Toby turned to see she was still standing at the side of the bed, the only move she’d made was to shift around to face him at the door.

“ . . . I get it,” she finished.

He beat back a sigh and asked, “You get what?”

“You want the sweet ones. All guys want the sweet ones who are all understanding, even when they’re being jerks, and don’t point out you let them go down on you, much less fuck you, twice, and that means there’s been a Copyright 2016 - 2024