The Slow Burn (Moonlight and Motor Oil #2) - Kristen Ashley Page 0,59

from them, making him and me toast.

And at his request, I’d just finished sharing my schedule for the week.

“I’m working a couple extra hours Thursday and Friday evenings, I took an extra shift on Wednesday, which was my day off, and Michael wants me for half a shift on Saturday morning, my other day off,” I repeated.

“The Christmas Fair is this weekend,” he told me something I knew.

“Dodo! Moomoo. Lala!” Brooks shouted, then threw a set of plastic keys across the kitchen.

Dapper Dan went to investigate.

Tobe turned his attention back to Brooklyn and shoveled more cereal in his mouth.

Okay, a hot guy, who didn’t fuck like a god, but fucked like a caveman god and didn’t mind me getting maudlin over my mother, but instead loved me sharing I did so he could have a mind to me, who also fed my kid breakfast with a natural ease was the most attractive thing evah.

“And, babe,” he continued, “I might wanna take my girl out on our first date.”

Oh shit.

I stopped reveling in how attractive Toby was as everything I’d been able to forget over the last day came crashing down on me.

I’d made some cards, not enough, but at least I had some to give Macy that day.

And I’d made a promise to Michael to take on extra hours.

I’d also gotten myself in a relationship that wasn’t new, since we’d essentially done the getting-to-know-you and mingling-families part for the last seven months.

But it was new.

And it was me who had to have a mind to that.

“I promised Michael, my manager,” I told him.

The toast popped up.

“Right,” Toby muttered and shoved more cereal in my kid.

I knew by his tone this didn’t make him very happy.

I took the toast out and started buttering it, saying, “I know you don’t wanna talk about this kind of thing, and you’re helping out, Johnny’s helping out, Margot’s helping out, but I still need money. But more, I made a promise that I’d take overtime through the holiday season, and Michael is depending on me.”

Toby didn’t say anything until I finished buttering the toast and putting more bread in.

Once I pushed the lever down, he spoke, “Okay, this is where I’m at, Addie.”

I looked to him to see his attention was on me.

He launched in.

“In order of priority, I wanna take you and Brooks to the Christmas Fair. He won’t remember it, but you and I will, and I want you on my arm. I want it known in town I’ve claimed you and Brooks. And I want us to have some fun, the three of us together.”

I was going to go get the jelly while he was talking.

I didn’t go get the jelly because I could no longer move.

He wanted to claim us.


And he wanted to have some fun.

Us three.

And again, he put that right out there.

Oh yeah.

Head over heels for this man.

“Second,” he carried on, “I wanna take you to The Star. A nice night out, just you and me. I don’t wanna take you some night where you just got off shift. I wanna take you when you’ve had a day to get shit done to clear your head, maybe relax a little, and now that I’ve seen the results, have time to do yourself up for me. Mostly, I want us to celebrate goin’ there with this and making our own memory about that. I also want time just with you to get to know you as you. Except for you at my place yesterday, the time we had last night, and right now, we’ve never had that. There’s always been someone around. And I love this little guy . . .”

He jerked his head toward Brooklyn, making his hair slant along his cheekbones, something I instantly memorized even if we were into something heavy, then he resumed talking.

“But even if he’s a kid, he’s someone and a distraction and I want time without anything distracting me from you, or you from me.”

One could say I wanted that too.

A lot.

And one could say I loved he wanted that.

A lot, a lot.

“And Christmas is coming,” he continued. “That’s makin’ cookies and watchin’ Christmas movies and wrappin’ Brooks’s presents and goin’ to parties, and you give that kind of overtime to the store, you’ll be beat and some of that can’t happen, but most of it’ll be done just to get it done instead of it bein’ done because it’s fun.”

He thought all that was fun.

Where did this guy come from?

He was totally Copyright 2016 - 2024