The Slow Burn (Moonlight and Motor Oil #2) - Kristen Ashley Page 0,50

confident enough not to allow my confidence to minimize his.

And I wanted that. I wanted the kind of partner who got me, got off on that and complemented me, letting me complement him.

So now for the first time (I’d never felt this with Perry), I was nervous.

Nervous about getting this right.

Nervous about not fucking this up.

Suddenly, Dapper Dan shot to his feet and raced out of the bathroom.


He was here!

Okay, oh God.


Oh God!

Through this thought process, I’d gotten my makeup done but my hair wasn’t, and I wasn’t dressed.

“Down in a second!” I shouted. “Get a beer!”

The curlers were out, and I’d pulled the top and sides of my hair back for it to disappear under a poofed mess of soft waves that fell from my crown down my back.

I was happy with my efforts, ready to hit the bedroom and dress, when I turned and saw Tobe leaning in the doorjamb to the bathroom, his fingers wrapped around a bottle of beer.

His jeans were loose in that way that hinted at the goodness underneath, rather than made it in your face, and now I’d seen his dick. It was perfectly formed, had girth and length, so I knew that goodness firsthand. I’d seen his chest and abs as well, both were beautifully defined, pecs to stomach covered in a light, but still dense smattering of black hair.

Now that torso was hidden by a spruce button-up that made his black eyes glitter, the shine in his hair shinier, hair that was slicked back with a lift at the top, and the shirt even made his beard seem fuller.

He’d made an effort too. I didn’t think I’d ever seen him in anything but a tee (except a long-sleeve tee, and a thermal or two).

He had his black, lace-up boots crossed at the ankles and his eyes on my hair.

And top to toe, he looked good enough to eat.

“You’ve ruined my entrance!” I snapped.

His eyes moved to mine.

And when they did, I stopped breathing, but my nipples started tingling.

“Our last sesh lasted probably fifteen minutes, so I’m relatively certain you can take a solid fucking, and during it I can make you come at least three times, and you’ll still have time to get dressed before everyone gets here.”

I absolutely wanted to “take a solid fucking.”

What I didn’t want was to have sex hair and post-three-orgasms face when Margot showed.

“It’s gonna take me at least ten minutes to get my lipstick right.”

“Addie, just as you are, everything’s fuckin’ right.”

Oh my God.

“Jesus,” he muttered, his gaze moving over my face and hair, “I didn’t think you could get more gorgeous. But there it is.”

Oh my God.

I had to put an end to this or we were going to go at it on the bathroom floor.

“You’re ruining my get-hot-for-Toby mojo by making me hot for you,” I told him saucily.

“Baby, if that was your goal, consider it achieved,” he returned, then ordered, “Come here.”

“You come here,” I retorted.

“Okay,” he said.

Then he came to me, his beer was on the bathroom counter, and I was in his arms, his mouth was on mine, his tongue was in my mouth, and he was totally ruining my hair.

I did not care.

When he broke the kiss, I was panting.

“Changed my mind,” he murmured. “I’m not gonna do you. You’re gonna do me. It’s gonna go slow. And I’m gonna get to watch all of that bouncing on my dick. Just . . . later.”

“Okay,” I wheezed.

“You see the lights?” he asked.

“What lights?” I asked back, totally not following because I had the taste of beer and Tobe in my mouth and a long length of hot guy in my arms with his arms around me, and my mind on riding Toby’s cock later, so I wasn’t even sure if two plus two equaled four.

“Outside,” he said through hitched lips, having assumed a cocky look that told me he knew my thoughts. A look I hoped he’d keep when I was riding his dick later.

“Lit up?” I inquired.


I shook my head.

“They’re on timers. They go on at five. I’ll turn ’em on early so we can get a look.”

I nodded my head.

“If you get dressed,” he said.

“I need you to let me go in order to do that,” I pointed out.

“Yeah,” he replied, but didn’t let me go.


“Lollipop, give me five more seconds.”

“Why? Just to stand in the bathroom and hold me?”


My God.

This man.

I moved my hand to stroke his beard at his jaw, whispering, “Toby.”

“Waited a long time Copyright 2016 - 2024