The Slow Burn (Moonlight and Motor Oil #2) - Kristen Ashley Page 0,21

to put the phone down when he’d replied, And?

To this I retorted, And this means I’m never making my chicken parmigiana for you again.

He loved that meal. It was special. Special meaning kinda expensive to make it, but he loved it so much, since I’d met him seven months ago, regardless that it was an extravagance, I’d made it for him six times.

Shit, I was a mess.

His text was longer so I actually had angrily dropped my phone to the desk before I got back, Iz told me that’s hers and she thinks I’m the shit, not a pain in her ass, so if I want it, she’ll make it for me. Golden.

Don’t come on Sunday, Talon. You’re officially uninvited.

I get another sassy text from you, Lollipop, I’m stealing your water and gas bills and paying those until February too.

I dropped my phone that time like it burned.

Then I glared at it.

And honestly, if I could afford a new one if it broke (and I wasn’t worried it might wake up my boy), I would have thrown it across the room.

But since I probably wouldn’t be able to afford a new one for five years, I just kept glaring at it.

Then, since I might make twenty or thirty bucks off them, I got back to making Deanna’s cards.


Toby waited for the sassy reply.

When it didn’t come, he turned and threw his phone across the room.

It bounced off the wood paneling and fell to the floor.

He scowled at it.

Fifty bucks.

Addie couldn’t put fifty bucks toward having some Christmas lights.

He could get away with putting lights up anyway and swiping her bills to pay them a couple of months.

That was all he could do.

She was his brother’s fiancée’s sister.

Kind of like his sister-type friend.

That was all she was because that was all she could be.

He could get away with a little because she was family and that was all unless she asked for help.

Which Adeline would not do.

She had too much Daphne Forrester in her.

Johnny had told him all about Daphne and the Forrester Girls.

It was her against the world.

And she was gonna face that head on.

She’d lose her mind, and he might lose her how he had her if he shared what he now knew with Iz, Johnny or Margot, because all of them would wade in somehow and Addie would hate that.

And she’d lose her mind, and he might lose her how he had her if he intervened, found out who her attorney was and paid them to find that motherfucker and force him, at least financially, to help Addie raise their child.

Instead, he had to take what he could get away with and that was it.

The only good thing that came from him coming home, outside of spending time with his family, falling in brotherly love with his soon-to-be sister-in-law who was the shit, and being able to spend time with Addie in the ways he could, was when he’d forced through the bile taste in his mouth Bryce’s interest in taking her out.

And she’d said no.

But that wouldn’t last forever.

She was funny, feisty and gorgeous. An amazing mom. Responsible. Hard-working.

She had way too much goddamned pride, but she also loved her kid too much to let that get in the way when she found someone who she’d be willing to let in, who’d be someone who’d be all in to help out.

But Addie would settle in and she wouldn’t find a man.

A man would find her.

Christ, he shouldn’t have stayed.

Stayed to be close to her.

In the end, it was good he did. After Brooks got kidnapped, Addie had been shaken and she’d needed all the support she could get.

The backbone on that woman, though, even after her baby got kidnapped by Stu, Shandra’s shifty motherfucker of a brother, in order for him to use Brooks as ransom from Johnny, Adeline had needed support for about a week.

Now, there was no reason for him to stay.

Definitely not doing it watching her get her feet under her and then another man in her life.

All of this meant Toby made a decision.

He’d stay for the holiday.

He’d enjoy the holiday with his family, his first with his soon-to-be sister-in-law, and he’d spoil the shit out of Addie and Brooks during a day she couldn’t say dick about him doing that.

And then he was out of there.

I Said Yo


“DEFINITELY SHOULD SET up an Etsy store.”

I stared at Macy across the counter in her flower shop.

It was Friday, two days after my invitation to Copyright 2016 - 2024