The Sleeping Prince - Melinda Salisbury Page 0,6

I couldn’t. But I suspect my face said everything I was too wary to say aloud.

“You might feel full of compassion for these people now, but when they’re cold, and starving, and then night falls…” Unwin leant in. “You have no protection.” He looked up at the empty lintel of the door, before pulling a handful of berries and a gold disc from his pocket and holding them out to me. “Against mortal men, or the Sleeping Prince.”

I didn’t believe that Unwin had faith in the idea of charms and amulets any more than I did, but I kept it to myself. “You’re very kind, but I wouldn’t like to leave you vulnerable.”

“I’d be happy to come inside and wait with you until your mother returns; that way we can both benefit from the protection I’m offering.”

It took a lot of effort for me to remain polite when I replied. “Thank you for such a generous offer, but I’d hate to steal your time and I have a few errands of my own to run this morning. In fact I really must get on. Goodbye, then.” I began to close the door, but he wedged his foot in the gap.

His eyes narrowed further, until they were slits above his florid cheeks, and he put his amulet away. “Everything is all right here, isn’t it?” he said slowly. “I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything about your brother? You can trust me, you know. I am a friend to you. And your mother. I’d be happy to help, if you’d only ask.”

“It’s fine, Mr Unwin. Everything is fine. My mother likes to keep busy, that’s all.”

“Clearly. It’s surely weeks since I saw her last. Moons, even. Though I’m sure she’ll be eager to attend today’s meeting.”

My stomach cramped with dread. “A meeting?”

He clapped a hand to his forehead theatrically. “Have I not yet said? My, how you distract me! I’ve had word from the Council in Tressalyn. They’ve sent a messenger with an important announcement. I’m at haste to call everyone to the House of Justice to hear it.”

“Then you must let me keep you no longer.”

His face twisted into a grimace of annoyance and I knew I’d gone too far; I never have been much good at holding my tongue. But within seconds he mastered himself. The broken veins on his cheeks danced as he contorted his lips back into a grin.

“You’re too kind. Too diligent by far; it’s unusual in a young woman. Perhaps not to everyone’s taste. I admire it, though. I find your directness refreshing. I’m sure you value it in others, too, so I shan’t beat about the bush or offend you by being unclear. I’m also here for the rent. You still owe me two florins from last moon. I thought I’d save you the trouble of bringing it to me, seeing as I had to deliver my own message to you.”

“Of course,” I replied. “I’d not forgotten. As it happens, now I think on it, that’s the errand that took my mother away so early. It seems you’re at cross purposes here.”

“I fear so,” he said darkly. “Still, I trust I’ll see you both at the meeting, and you can give me the four florins afterwards.”

“Four florins? The rent is two.”

“Interest, Errin. Sadly I’ve had to borrow money to cover your late payment. I have obligations too, you know. So I’ll need a little extra from you this time. You understand, I’m sure. Not many landlords would let a tenant stay on without paying the rent. But, as I said, I’m your friend.” His smile was sickly with triumph. “I want nothing more than to aid you.”

I fumed. He was lying, taking advantage in the worst way because of the hole I’d dug for myself. He knew I could barely afford the two florins I already owed.

“That won’t be a problem, will it? Because you can talk to me if it is. We can negotiate.” He licked his lips, and immediately I was grateful for my empty stomach.

“It’s fine, Mr Unwin. I’m sure my mother has it under control.”

Unwin’s smile faltered and an ugly expression flickered across his face. “The meeting starts at three sharp. Until later, then.” He reached for my hand and pulled it to his lips, bowing to me.

Giving my body a final sweep with his eyes, he turned away and I closed the door, leaning heavily against it as I listened to him walk away, unable to suppress a shudder.

Four florins. Copyright 2016 - 2024