Slay Bells - Hildie McQueen Page 0,27

read the articles you’ll write about us.”

Just a few more days and she’d be back in California. The festival ended the day before Christmas, and she’d leave on the day after Christmas.

All together she’d be there just over two weeks and so much had occurred. Now she wanted to kick herself. She and Jeremy had spent a few more evenings at his apartment. Although no one commented on it, Gabriela was pretty sure everyone suspected.

“So what’s going to happen between you and my brother?” Molly asked. Gabriela’s eyes went full on “deer in the headlights”.

Natalie chuckled. “I was about to ask the same thing.”

“Ummm…well, we are not.” Gabriela gave up, not quite sure what to say. Taking a deep breath, she tried again. “We haven’t discussed it. I’ve grown to care for him a great deal. However, I do live a bit far.” Gabriela sighed. “I think he likes me too.”

“Like?” Molly almost screamed the word. “The boy is gaga over you.”

“Let them decide.” Natalie patted her daughter’s hand. “I’m sure they’ll work something out.” Jeremy’s mom gave Gabriela a one eyebrow raised look. The meaning was either “do something” or “don’t make Molly upset.”

Gabriela cleared her throat and looked around wishing Jeremy would materialize and help her. Of course, he didn’t. “I will talk to him. I think we can work something out, but it has all happened so fast. Y’all know men don’t like the “where do we stand” talk too soon.”

Molly sniffed. “I like you. You’re the first woman who’s made my brother look so happy. His job is so stressful and da-dangerous.”

If Molly started crying, Gabriela would join her. Not because she was under any distress, but whenever someone cried, it made her cry. She made a horrible babysitter. Most babies didn’t like for someone to cry with them, it made them cry harder and louder.

“There now sweetie. I’m sure Gabriela and Jeremy will make plans to continue to see each other. Gabriela can fly up on weekends.”

Gabriela blinked. What the hell was happening?

When they returned to the main area, Natalie leaned closer as Molly’s husband came to help her down. “You don’t have to fly back every weekend. I was just trying to keep Molly from crying.”

Jeremy walked up and gave her a side hug. “Enjoying yourself? Where have you been hiding?”

As much as she wanted to cling to him and pull the man closer, it was hard to when Natalie watched on with a wide grin.

Gabriela took a step away. “Went with your mother and sister on a sleigh ride. This entire thing is amazing. I understand why people are so disappointed in it being your family’s last year doing it.”

He met her gaze for a long moment and boy was it hard to keep from kissing him. “Mom and Dad asked Molly and I if we want to continue it. I’m not sure I can do all of this alone. Molly is too busy with the kids and all.”

“I can understand. It is a huge job.” A sleigh neared, a couple stood up and everyone clapped.

“An engagement,” Jeremy said, his gaze on the couple. “They look a bit young.”

“Or maybe you’re just old,” Gabriela joked, elbowing him in the ribs.

“Nah, that’s not it,” he replied with a chuckle and then to her shock, he kissed her lightly on the lips. “I better scoot, looks like Henry is waving me over.”

Molly and Natalie continued watching with wide smiles.

“Oh boy.” Gabriela ducked her head and hurried into the huge crafts show area.

By the end of the evening, Gabriela was too tired to even think. She grabbed a sandwich from one of the vendors along with chips and hitched a ride on a sleigh back to the house. The night had only gotten better, each hour that passed brought laughter, warm smiles and so many memories.

Once inside the bedroom in the family house, she opened her laptop and video called Mila. Her friend answered on the third tone wearing a facial mask. “Hey, long time no talk.”

“We just spoke yesterday,” Gabriela replied, laughing at her friend’s appearance. “You shouldn’t answer like that, I about screamed.”

“Ready to head home? Bringing the cowboy with you?” Mila spooned ice cream into her mouth and stared at her through the screen.

“About that. I’m dreading leaving. Ready for warmer weather where eating ice cream doesn’t seem so strange. But I am going to miss him.”

When tears threatened, Gabriela was startled. “I mean he’s so hot and great in bed.”

“Yeah right. There’s Copyright 2016 - 2024