Slay Bells - Hildie McQueen Page 0,25

allowing for her piece. However, now that it was changed to a weekly occurrence, she decided it would be best to inform Natalie and Rick.

Several hours later she peered out the window and saw people going to their vehicles to leave for the day. Spending the day writing, she’d not considered how late it was.

Picking up her cell, she called the main house and Natalie answered. “Hi there stranger,” Natalie greeted. “I was wondering if I’d hear from you today.”

“I’ve been writing all day. Are you available in the morning for coffee and chatting?”

There were voices in the background and she heard Natalie ask someone to check the oven. “Rick decided to bake something, then disappeared,” Natalie said laughing. “He loves those slice and bake cookies, but forgets they are only to be in the oven for a few minutes. You should come over and have some with us.”

Gabriela pictured the kitchen wishing she was brave enough to face the family that evening. However, she wasn’t sure it was possible to face Jeremy in front of his family at the moment. Not a good thing to picture a man naked in front of his family.

“I appreciate it, but I better finish writing what I’ve started.”

“Of course. See you bright and early in the morning, be here for breakfast.”

With a sigh, she went to the small kitchen, filled the kettle with water and placed it on the stove. Then she pulled out a jar of peanut butter and a jar of Hawkins jam.

Just as she opened the silverware drawer to select a butter knife, there were three knocks on the front door.

Through the window, she could see an outline of a man. She lifted to her toes and peered out the peep hole to see Jeremy wink.

“I believe I owe you dinner,” He walked in with take out bags and a plate, which he motioned to with his head. “Mom sends cookies.”

Her eyes went wide. “Does your Mom know you were bringing me dinner?”

“Is that a problem?”

“I suppose not. I just don’t want to give her a bad impression of me.”

His chuckle accompanied by deep dimples made Gabriela’s stomach do funny things.

“This was her idea. She’s playing matchmaker. Mom is convinced I need help finding the one.”

“Me? Really?”

“Why do you find it so hard to believe. You’re beautiful and single.”

Gabriela didn’t point out the fact she was not white because obviously it didn’t matter to his family. She smiled at him. “I suppose we can play along.”

The meal and cookies were as delicious as kissing Jeremy. Finally, he reluctantly went to the door. “Best not let Mom think she’s too successful. There won’t be living with her then.” He told her and pressed another lingering kiss to her lips.

“I’m tempted to give her a very bad impression of me,” Gabriela pulled him close and nipped at his jaw. “Thank you for dinner.”

When the door closed behind him, Gabriela blew out a breath. The hunky detective was definitely making her rethink her dislike of country living.

She would be up for a while. Not only did she wish to interview Natalie in the morning, but also take shots of the festival progress.

In addition to that, she hoped to find out how the investigation of the murder progressed.

At the thought, she quickly locked the door and ensured all the windows were locked. She’d definitely be leaving the lights on all night.

Shuffling outside the cabin woke Gabriela from a deep sleep. At first she wondered if it was a wild animal, but when it sounded more like someone tried the front door. She was immediately wide awake.

Doing her best to keep her breathing under control, she slipped from the bed and went to the bedroom doorway. Listening intently, there was no doubt, someone was trying to come into the house.

Gabriela dashed back into the bedroom and peered out the window. There were tracks on the snow, leading to the front door. She could make out the outline of a person, who backed up and studied the cabin as if trying to assess if someone was inside.

Whoever it was, wore a thick coat, a scarf pulled over their nose and ski cap. However, the body type was like that of the man who’d tried to snatch her camera.

Having to use both hands because they shook so hard, she picked up her cell phone to call Jeremy.

Just then barks sounded, and the person sprinted off. Shortly after, the Hawkins’ two dogs flashed past, followed by Jeremy on Copyright 2016 - 2024