Skirt (Ruthless Kings MC #5) - K.L. Savage Page 0,67

so he stayed behind, and I visited him in summers and any school breaks I had. My parents were afraid I’d become just like him, and that’s why they moved me clear across the world.” I clear my throat and hold Dawn a bit tighter. “He died fighting Cohen. Cohen never fights fair, and right after the ref blew the whistle to stop fighting, Cohen cold-cocked him, in the temple.” I lay my finger against her head to show her where. “Killed him on the spot.”

“I’m so sorry, Skirt.”

“His funeral was the hardest. It rained that day, heavy fucking sheets of it, and it was cold. The weather matched the mood. I was so mad at him for dying, mad that I lost time with him because my parents dragged me everywhere with them. I should have had more of a backbone and stood up to them, but I was gentle, a bit softer than my brother.”

She props herself up on her elbows and holds her head in her hand. “You? Soft?”

“I know, but that day changed me. The weather sunk into me I guess … I don’t know. My insides felt like they were raining, if that makes sense; just so much pain, and the thundering of it never stopped.”

“I understand.”

I know she does, especially with Aidan missing, but at least I have the comfort of my brother dying; she has no idea if Aidan is alive or not. That’s worse.

“Anyway, I sat on his grave for a bit, and Ma came and told me it was time to go. Told her I didn’t want to, and she snapped. She hit me across the face. My ma had never hit me a day in her life. She said she wished it was me in the grave, that I was dead instead of Conor. She said she never wanted to see me again, so she hasn’t. The night of his funeral, I climbed into Conor’s bedroom window, packed up a few things, including all of his damn kilts, and found a letter addressed to me. He told me to come to Vegas, something we were supposed to do together. So I came here and met Poodle; he told me about this club he was prospecting, and I figured, why not? I don’t have anything else, might as well, and I haven’t looked back. This is my home now.”

“Don’t you ever want to go back home? Don’t you ever wonder how your parents are doing?”

“Aye, I do, but I’m not welcome there.” I want to change the subject. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I feel more open than the heart Reaper engraved on me. “I didn’t always like kilts, ye know. I always used to wear pants, but my brother always fought in them, so I gave it whirl, and I never looked back.”

“You look good in jeans. I love seeing the material hug your ass. Makes me want to bite it.” Dawn play bites the air and lets out an adorable little growl that makes me laugh.

“Are ye a chihuahua? One of them ankle biters?”

“I’ll bite you, alright. You better watch yourself.”

I pause. I let her think I’m done talking to her, and then I attack my fingers on her sides, tickling her until she’s screaming and crying with giggles. She’s kicking me, trying to get away, and I’m grinning so hard my damn cheeks hurt. I stop the maddening wiggle fingers against her sides and slid up her body. Both of us are huffing from fighting one another.

“I think I love ye, Dawn. You’ve become an escape I never knew I needed.”

She reaches down and grabs my cock in hand; it’s hard and leaking since she was fighting me a second ago, and I guide it to her still drenched hole. “I think I love you too, Rohan.”

I’m a lucky man to earn that. I have everything I’ll ever need.


I have the gal. I have her love.

Now, I’m even more determined to get Aidan back. When I do, I’ll make sure nothing ever hurts him again—hurts them again.

They are mine.

My family.

Chapter Seventeen


I wrap a fuzzy maroon blanket around me and take a peek over my shoulder to see Skirt asleep. He’s so big and takes up all the space in the king-size bed that my only option is to cuddle him. I don’t mind. Being close to him is not a hardship; it’s a gift.

But I can’t sleep because he keeps kicking the blanket off because Copyright 2016 - 2024