Skirt (Ruthless Kings MC #5) - K.L. Savage Page 0,58

and knew this would be one of the ways we could meet you all. Word around town is you’ve been looking for someone. I have information.”

“Introduce yourself,” Reaper says, his voice echoing off the underground cage.

“I’m Whistler, VP of Demons Fury. We just moved in on the outskirts of town near the dam.”

It isn’t our territory, so they have every right to claim it. Still, I can see how much Reaper doesn’t like another MC encroaching like this.

“We want to be allies. My President isn’t trying to make enemies.”

“Then, where is he?” Tool spits, flicking his screwdriver over his knuckles.

“Home, with his ol’ lady. She’s on her death bed, and he ain’t ever going to leave her side.”

“Sorry to hear that.” Reaper climbs up the fence and jumps down to stand in front of the strange biker.

I level the cage, ignoring the stinging pain in my back that is close to my spine and sail through the air, landing on two feet.


“This is One, my Sargent at Arms.” Whistler points to the man to his left.

“One?” Reaper and I say together. What the fuck kind of road name is that?

“Yeah, he only ever needs one bullet,” Whistler explains.

“This is Skirt,” Reaper points to me with Tongue’s knife. “That’s Tool, the one with the screwdriver. And that’s enough pleasantries. What do you want?”

“You’re looking for a kid, right? And that Cohen guy? He came to us for help, but we denied him.”

“You saw him? You saw my son? And you did nothing?” Dawn screams from behind me and when I look back, she rips out of Bullseye’s hold and marches up to us with a look of hatred in her eyes, swirling like emeralds on fire. She doesn’t hold back. She swings and punches Whistler in the face. “You fucking bastard!” She lifts her fist again, and Reaper catches it mid-air.

Reaper doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t have to. He’s fucking furious. At me. At her. And when he cuts his eyes to me, I know what he wants to say.

I need to get a better hold on my ol’ lady if I know what’s good for her.

“Emotions are running high, fellas. I apologize. This is the mother of the kid you saw, and the man who has him is on our shit list.”

“That’s what we heard from Maximo,” Whistler says.

Reaper lifts a brow at Maximo. “Someone has loose lips. I don’t like that,” Prez sneers.

“I have a job. I’m on the strip in Vegas. I need to know who is worthy around me and who isn’t. They are. I told you about them earlier.” Maximo rolls his eyes, annoyed from Prez’s outburst.

“We want to help with this. We are new to the area, and we don’t want to start on a bad foot. We didn’t realize who the guy was at the time, or we would have stopped him. We think he went to the other MC when he ran out of options. The Hellhounds MC. They’re no good. They have their hands in some fucked-up shit.”

“What kind of shit?” Reaper asks, losing his patience.

Whistler wipes his lip with his tongue and grins. “Your ol’ lady packs a punch. You taught her well.”

“She taught herself,” I say with pride. I like that my woman knows how to protect herself.

Whistler ignores my comment and stares Reaper straight on. “The kind of shit where they are putting pretty price tags on things that shouldn’t have price tags.”

“I’m going to be sick,” Dawn gags and runs to the side of the cage, retching her guts up.

“You help us get this kid back, you’ll forever have allies with Ruthless and all its chapters.”

Whistler’s brows shoot up so far, I thought they were about to leave his forehead. “Fuck yeah, Prez.” He holds out his hand and Reaper grips it, hard. Reaper pulls the man forward until he’s staring him down. Whistler isn’t a short man at all, Reaper is just that fucking big, and being at the end of that stare, I fucking hate it. Whistler probably wants to piss his boots.

I don’t blame him.

“Let me get one thing straight to you, Demons Fury. If you are fucking with me, if you are lying to me, if you are thinking about double crossing me, I will rip your fucking hearts out and then shove them down your throat, and then I’ll have my craziest fucking member cut all your tongues out. Do not fucking ruin this, or I will bring so much death to Copyright 2016 - 2024