Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,81

leave, without letting them go for their ride, without even saying good-bye to Mason or Aunt Heather.

But she’d said her good-byes. And that was enough for now.

Mason understood exactly what she’d meant when she said they were going home. She meant forever.

Sierra’s mind raced.

He must have known, or suspected, something about Heather, David, and Hallee.

That’s why he’d put off telling her whatever his investigator discovered.

He’d kept a huge secret from her.

After her husband’s lies and betrayal, she wouldn’t stand for another man in her life to keep things from her.

If she couldn’t trust Mason, they had nothing.

As for Heather, her betrayal cut so deep she didn’t think the wound would ever heal. Right now, every beat of her heart pumped out anger and hurt, filling her up to the point she felt like an explosion waiting to happen.

Tears stung her eyes when she thought of David and the last year of their marriage. And she couldn’t help but wonder why, if he wanted to be with Heather, did he stay up in Napa with her?

And if he hadn’t wanted to be with Heather, why didn’t he come clean about the affair and beg her forgiveness?

Lying, cheating bastard.

Her conclusion: he hadn’t wanted to face what he’d done, wanted a family with her and the boys and to keep Heather and Hallee on the side. Unable to face the consequences of his actions, he’d simply bided his time, hoping to not have to ever explain himself.

But a secret like that always comes out.

Sierra was surprised Heather kept her mouth shut this long, never revealing to anyone who Hallee’s father really was.

And while she wanted to blame her sister for everything—Heather was impulsive, reckless, and always felt like she was entitled to whatever her sisters had—David was equally to blame.

He’d carried on with Heather behind Sierra’s back for God knows how long. He’d fathered a child with her sister. He never said a damn thing to her about it. He never voiced even a hint that he wanted out of their marriage.

Of course she knew he’d been hiding something. But he still maintained their relationship. He was the perfect father. They still talked about their days, spent time together, kissed each other hello and good-bye, and yes, they’d had sex. Not as much as they used to, but they’d have a great night and then she’d wake up hopeful everything would go back to the way they were before, but then David would be distant again.

His guilt built a wall between them.

She hadn’t known what it was at the time. She’d blamed herself, thinking that it must be something she did—or didn’t do—that built the barrier between them.

But it had been David’s actions that had ruined them as a couple.

He had doomed them, and he’d known it.

Instead of doing the right thing and confessing and letting her go, he’d hid his dirty deed.

All those months she’d wanted to confront him. Yes, she’d kept silent, hoping things would get better and she wouldn’t have to upset the boys by fracturing their family.

But David had torn their family apart the second he slept with Heather.

The boys didn’t know the full truth, but they’d felt something off in the house. Just like they felt her dark mood now.

And just like David had done, she was going to have to hide the truth from them, for now anyway.

When she finally got to the house, she found her mom sitting on the porch reading the mail when they walked up the steps. She took one look at Sierra and the smile she’d had for them died on her lips. “What’s wrong?”

Sierra walked the boys to the front door, opened it, and stared down at them. “Please go upstairs, wash your hands, then you can have an hour of screen time. I need to speak to Grandma privately.”

Danny stared up at her, eyes wide and filled with worry. “Is everything okay? Will we go see Mason later?”

She touched Danny’s soft cheek. “I’m sorry, honey, but no. Something happened between us and I need to figure out what happens next.”

“I thought you liked him.” The concern in Danny’s eyes turned to dismay. “Tell him to apologize.”

“I wish it were that simple, sweetheart.”

“Don’t you want it to be okay?”

She put her hand on his shoulder and leaned over to look him in the eye. “I need some time to figure things out.” Her anger made it hard to think reasonably and rationally.

Danny’s eyes narrowed with frustration that she didn’t give him Copyright 2016 - 2024