Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,74

even before I met your dad.”

“Is he your boyfriend?” Oliver asked, biting his bottom lip, his eyes filled with uncertainty.

“I suppose you could call him that. Is that okay?”

Oliver nodded. “He’s nice.”

“So is he going to be our dad or something?” Danny asked, a touch of anger in his voice.

She hadn’t anticipated having this conversation today. She hoped to use the next couple of weeks to ease the kids into accepting Mason into their lives permanently. They liked him. They saw him as a friend, but not as Mommy’s special friend. Not as the man she loved and wanted to make a life with.

She and Mason hadn’t had a chance to get on the same page about this, either.

“Mason wants to be part of our family. He really likes being with you boys. You like doing things with him, too, right?”

Danny reluctantly nodded. “The horses are fun.”

Oliver raised his hands as Mason approached the steps with the bundle of balloons in one hand. He caught Oliver in his free arm when he launched himself off the steps and into Mason’s chest. “Mom says you’re going to be our new dad.”

Sierra’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. “I said Mason wants to be a part of our family.”

Her mom tried to help her out of this awkward situation. “Maybe we should table this for now.”

She met Mason’s eyes. “Sorry. I know we haven’t had time to talk about this.”

Mason focused on Danny, who wore a frown, but his eyes were filled with hope. “Well, I know how I feel. You see, your mom and I really like each other. In fact, I love her. I love you.” Mason made a point to look at both Danny and Oliver so they could see he meant it. “I don’t want to take your dad’s place. David will always be your dad. I know he’s watching over you both each and every day. I hope he thinks I’m doing a good job teaching you to ride and helping you with your schoolwork and just being here to help your mom take care of you. I know he’s with us when we catch a game on TV and hang out with each other. I hope he’s happy that I’m with you guys and that I’m here for you no matter what you need me to do and be in your life because he can’t be here with you like I know he wants to be. He was my friend. I miss him, too. I wish he was here for you and your mom. I don’t want to take his place. I want to make my own place in your lives.”

Danny scrunched his lips, then spoke softly. “Sean at school has two dads. They’re married to each other, but still . . . He’s got two. I don’t see why we can’t have two.”

Oliver hugged Mason’s neck. “I like you.”

Mason chuckled and squeezed Oliver to his chest. “I like you, too, bud.” Mason handed the balloons to her, then took Danny in his arms and looked him in the eyes. “I’m not the replacement. I’m extra.”

Danny hugged Mason and his brother at the same time, then shyly backed away.

Her mom dabbed at her eyes with the sleeve of her blouse. “Wow. Um, that was very well said, Mason.”

“Thank you, Dede.” For the first time, Mason kissed Sierra right in front of the boys. “Hi.”

She smiled up at him and Oliver, who stared down at her with a big smile on his face. “Hi.”

Her mom waved them over to the porch table where she’d set out slips of paper and colored pencils. “Let’s write our messages for your dad.”

Danny frowned. “Are we always going to do this for Dad’s death?”

It seemed ominous, but Sierra hadn’t wanted the first year to pass without them doing something. “Only this year. From now on, we’ll celebrate his birthday.”

“That sounds better.” Danny picked up the green pencil. “His favorite color.”

Mason put his hand on Danny’s shoulder. “That’s why your mom asked me to pick up green balloons. Your dad wore green ties with his suits all the time.”

Danny smiled up at Mason. “We gave him a new green tie every birthday. He liked them.” Danny frowned again. “They all burned in the fire.”

“He drank green beer once and his tongue was all green.” Oliver scrunched up his face. “It was yucky.”

“The beer or his green tongue?” Mason teased.

“I can’t drink beer.” Oliver stated that with all seriousness.

Mason tickled his belly. “Silly me. What Copyright 2016 - 2024