Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,67

chosen David instead of going to Mason and telling him how she felt. She was responsible for her choices and her life.

Amy touched her hand, trying to make amends for not telling her Mason had feelings for her. “You and David made a good life together. You had the boys. David’s death was a tragedy, but now you and Mason have a second chance at forever.”


This time, she’d go for what she wanted and not settle for anything less than a truly happy life.

Amy traced her fingers along the gray lines in the marble countertop. She glanced at the front door for like the tenth time, her gaze turning worried as she waited for Rex to return.

This talk with Rex was long overdue. With Amy’s ingrained need for everything to be perfect, she had to be worried about this going well and making sure she said and did the right thing to make this better. Despite still being a little pissed Amy kept things about Mason from her, Sierra covered her sister’s hand on the counter, stopping her nervous motions before she wore a hole in the stone. “You and Rex want to work this out, which means you will. He wants you to be happy, Amy. We all do.”

“Don’t you think I want to be happy?”

“I think you need to figure out what makes you happy now. Things change. What we thought we wanted before kids, after kids, at the beginning, somewhere in the middle, at the end, it’s not the same as when we started. Allow yourself to let go of what’s not working and find something that makes you feel fulfilled again.”

“That seems easier said than done.”

Sierra squeezed her sister’s hand. “Talk to Rex. Figure out what that looks like together.”

Amy nodded, then met Sierra’s gaze. “I really am sorry. I should have told you what Mason confided in me. The truth is, I was jealous for no reason. You know I had a thing for him back in the day, but he never looked at me the way he looked at you.”

“You mean the way Rex looks at you,” Sierra pointed out.

Amy found a genuine smile.

Sierra knew Amy’s other secret. “You would have preferred Rex and Mason both wanting you.”

Amy always had to be the center of attention. She gave Sierra a mischievous grin. “I wouldn’t have hated it.”

Sierra let it go. She didn’t want to fight with Amy or resent her for a past she couldn’t change.

“How about you get Rex back and I’ll keep Mason and we both just be happy for each other?”

Amy nodded, relief in her eyes. “Deal.” Though her eyes clouded with worry as she looked toward the front door again.

“Kids! Let’s go.” Sierra picked up the tote bag by the front door that Amy had packed with sweatshirts and snacks for her kids. Just in case.

No doubt Heather had everything the kids would need for dinner and a movie tonight.

The four kids rushed down the stairs and headed for the front door just as Rex walked in. “Hey. What’s all this?”

P.J. as the oldest led the way. “We’re going to Aunt Heather’s. Bye.” He hugged his dad and ran out the door.

Emma followed up with a hug for her dad. “Bye.”

Rex let Emma loose, gave Danny and Oliver a pat on the head as they passed, then focused on Amy. “You’re taking the kids over to your sister’s?”

Amy held her hands clasped together in front of her. “Sierra’s taking them for a couple of hours so we can talk.”

Rex stared at his wife for one long moment, then turned to Sierra. “No Mason tonight?”

“He’s got dinner with a client.”

“He told me he’s head over heels for you.”

“I feel the same way.”

“Good for you guys. I hope it works out.”

“Thank you, Rex. With everything that’s happened over the last year, it’s nice to have something good in my life. He makes me happy.”

“You deserve it.”

“Are we going or what?” Danny yelled from the porch.

“And that’s my cue to get going.”

Amy hugged her and held on for an extra moment before Sierra headed to the door.

Rex gave her a quick hug. “Thanks for taking the kids.”

“No problem.” She turned to Amy. “I’ll have them back at nine.”

Rex walked into the kitchen to get something out of the fridge. With his back turned to them, Sierra mouthed, You’ve got this, to Amy, gave her a big thumbs-up, and headed out the door to take four little rascals to dinner.

She hoped Mason’s investigator helped Copyright 2016 - 2024