Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,46

the man who goes out of his way to take my kids’ minds off the move, a new school, and missing their father, getting me a dream job, and taking me out to dinner with flowers and candlelight.”

Mason settled back into the cushion. “I liked being your friend. You were easy to talk to and be with despite the draw we both felt but let simmer in the background. You liked to have fun and ride and just enjoy yourself.”

“And yet, we never got together.”

Mason’s smile dimmed. “I blame Amy. She tagged along more often than not.”

Sierra put her elbow on the table and planted her chin in her hand. “She had a mad crush on you.”

“And I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Because you knew she had a crush on me, you never seemed open to allowing yourself to want more between us.”

True. “She’s my sister. She was in your class at school, and I was two grades behind, so she seemed like the girl you’d want.”

“And yet, I liked you. She was . . . don’t take this the wrong way, but too high maintenance and fussy and needy.”

Sierra frowned and laughed under her breath at the same time. “All true. Poor Amy. That’s not very flattering.”

“Some guys don’t mind. It doesn’t appeal to me. She showed off and constantly wanted my attention. At first, it was flattering. But then it got old. You always seemed so secure in your skin.”

“Oh, believe me, I went through that awkward stage where I thought everything was wrong with me.”

“Amy fussed and complained about all that stuff. If she didn’t like herself, how was anyone else supposed to like her?” He held up a hand. “Don’t get me wrong, she grew out of it, but at the time, seeing you two together, you were so much easier to be around. I could be myself with you. Amy seemed to have a vision of what I’d be with her that didn’t fit who I am. Does that make sense?”

Sierra actually got that very well. It was what she realized about her marriage. She’d built up a vision of what she and David would look like together as a married couple. In reality, they were the same people they’d always been.

“You can’t make someone like you, or even love you.” She’d learned that a long time ago. “You can try to live up to their image of you, but in the end, you are who you are.” In the end, David didn’t want her.

“You see me for who I am because we have history. You knew me before I was successful.” Mason glanced up, then back at her. “I apologize for this.” He cocked his chin toward the man walking up to their table.

“Mason, man, good to see you.” The gentleman came right up, hand extended to shake Mason’s.

“Allen. It’s been a while. I’d like to introduce Sierra Silva. Sierra, Allen. A former client.”

Sierra took the gentleman’s hand. He glanced down at her other hand, looking for a wedding ring she hadn’t worn in more than six months. “I see Mason’s untangled you from the dummy who let you go.”

Mason took her wrist, drew her hand away from Allen’s, and linked his fingers with hers. “She’s not a client. She’s my date.”

Allen frowned. “Lucky you. Disappointing for me.”

Mason chuckled. “Last I saw you, you and a beautiful brunette of your own were on your way to Fiji for a couple of weeks to celebrate your divorce.”

“And celebrate we did.” The gentleman turned solemn. “Listen, I won’t take up your time, but my ex is back with more gripes about how I’m not keeping her in the lifestyle I afforded her while we were married and she wants more child support. If Sabrina wants horseback riding lessons, fine, but I want to be the one to take her.”

“Got it,” Mason agreed.

“Sorry to interrupt your date with this.”

“No worries. Make an appointment with Louise, we’ll get this settled.”

“Appreciate it.” Allen gave Sierra a soft smile. “Nice to meet you.”

Mason nodded and waited for the gentleman to take his leave. “Sorry. I was hoping we’d have the evening to ourselves and some privacy.”

“It’s fine. You obviously helped him out of a rough situation.”

Mason chuckled. “Allen loves his daughter. He loves his ex. They just can’t seem to have a civil conversation anymore. Not that I blame her; she did catch him kissing her best friend, made a scene, it ended up going viral on someone’s Copyright 2016 - 2024