Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,39

her. “I’m really glad you came over today.”

“Me, too.”

He picked up the cooler, took her hand in his free one, and walked her out to the car. He put the cooler in back and waved to the boys before placing his hands on the driver’s-side open window and staring in at Sierra.

A soft smile made her even more beautiful. “See you tomorrow.”

“I’m here whenever you need me,” he assured her, then stepped back and waved them all good-bye.

He watched them drive away, knowing they weren’t going far, just next door, but wishing they’d stay because the empty house behind him didn’t feel the same without them in it anymore.

Chapter Fourteen

Sierra sat at the kitchen island counter listening to the boys upstairs brushing their teeth before she took them to school. She sorted through the envelopes in front of her.

Her mom sipped her coffee, then stared at her over the rim. “I know that frown isn’t about Mason. Not after you’ve come home every day from his place with a smile on your face.”

Sierra couldn’t contradict her mother’s assessment. She and the boys went over every night to help Mason feed the horses and spend time with him. The boys loved it. They were learning a lot about taking care of the animals.

She herself liked getting to know who Mason was now. They were both the same but different, and she enjoyed discovering new things about him.

They’d kept things light this past week because they’d both been busy at work and having the boys around all the time meant they had to be careful about what they said and did.

“Mason is great. The boys love him.” Her feelings were growing deeper the longer she spent with him.

Dede said, “What’s not to like? He’s got a cat and horses for the boys to pet and ride. They like his company because having a big strong man around to let them be rowdy and wrestle is a lot of fun. And hey, you get to just look at him and kiss him.” Her mother’s eyes twinkled with delight. She hadn’t actually seen Sierra and Mason kissing, but it was a good guess that she was still smiling when she came home because of it.

“We do more than kiss, you know. It’s nice to spend time with him. I miss coming home and having someone to talk to about my day.”

“Have you asked him to help you with your David problem?”

How could David be such a problem after his death?

Sierra brushed her hands over the bill in front of her. She didn’t like where her mind went every time she thought about it. She hated the monthly reminder that her husband kept a big secret from her.

Dede pressed her. “Why are you stalling? If Mason can figure out where the money is, you can get rid of that loan and leave it in the past where you should leave David.” Bitterness filled those words. “If you can’t deal with it, let me pay it off and be done with it.”

Sierra appreciated her mother’s anger and resentment that David left her carrying the debt. She had to admit she didn’t have a lot of kind thoughts when it came to David and the loan, but she wasn’t one to bury her head in the sand, either. Still, the thought of taking that kind of money from her mom didn’t sit right, even if her mom could easily afford it.

“Between David’s death, struggling to get by after he was gone, helping the boys through their grief while I worked through mine, and losing everything, I’m not sure I can take one more blow. Our marriage wasn’t perfect. I know that. No one’s is. But I don’t want to find out it was broken and I didn’t even know it.”

“Don’t blame yourself for something you didn’t do.”

Sierra’s stomach knotted. “That’s just it, I don’t want to know what he did with that money.”

“So you’re just going to worry over it, pay it back, and just take it?”

Part of her wanted to, but no, she wasn’t one to just let it go. “Who am I supposed to make pay for and answer for it? David isn’t here.” That really ticked her off.

“It’s your decision, but I think this has more to do with the fact you’re afraid to ask Mason for help because you don’t want him or anyone else to know that David wasn’t the great guy and husband everyone thought he was. You don’t want anyone, Copyright 2016 - 2024