Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,26

stared at it, and smiled for the first time since he’d spoken to Sierra on the phone today.

He picked up the bottle, tucked it under his arm, and pulled the card off it. He opened the white envelope, swore he could smell her on the paper, and pulled out the note.

I got the job! Thank you so much!

I owe you one.


Smiling, he unlocked the front door, went in through the foyer and back to the kitchen, turning on lights along the way. He set the bottle of wine on the counter, dropped his briefcase on a barstool, and pulled out his phone and typed with his thumb as he tugged the knot on his tie loose.

Mason: Any chance you can come over and share this bottle of wine with me? We’ll toast to your new job!

He set the phone on the island counter and shrugged off his suit jacket.

When his phone dinged with a text, butterflies took flight in his stomach. He felt like a teenager waiting on a girl to call.

Sierra: I wish! Bedtime stories with the kids. And I have to be up early for my new job!

Disappointment sent those butterflies dropping dead.

Sierra: Rain check?

And they were resurrected.

Mason: Anytime.

Sierra: Thank you again.

Mason: My pleasure. Good luck tomorrow. I know you’ll kill it.

Sierra: You have no idea what this means to me.

Mason: You deserve everything good in this world.

Sierra: I appreciate that. And I mean it. I owe you one.

Mason: I will collect! ☺

Sierra: Gotta go. Boys are waiting. Story time.

Mason: Say hi from me.

Sierra: I will. ☺

Mason sighed, set the phone back on the counter, and went to the fridge. He opened the door and stared at the leftover takeout, decided to pull a frozen pizza out instead, and flipped on the oven to heat while he went and changed into sweats and a tee. He’d save the wine for when Sierra came over and crack open a beer to go with the pizza and his lonely night in front of the TV.

He settled on the couch half an hour later with his pizza, beer, and thoughts of Sierra sitting around a table with her kids and mom having a family meal. He’d like to be included in that homey scene.

He couldn’t wait to see her and the boys on Saturday.

Chapter Nine

At the end of a very long second day at work, Sierra fell into the couch, and put her feet up on the coffee table. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. At last she could take a break, hang out with the kids, maybe watch a TV show after dinner.

“Long day?” Amusement filled her mother’s voice.

She opened her eyes and stared up at her mom. “It’s only been two days and I’m exhausted.” She never expected Mason’s phone call to lead to an hour-long phone interview with Marissa feeling out her strengths, weaknesses, and whether or not she was up for the demanding job. She hadn’t sugarcoated the workload or sheer number of clients she represented, but Sierra hadn’t been prepared for the unrelenting pace. Of course, she had a learning curve. Once she mastered her duties things would be easier. Until then, though, trying to do everything perfectly without making any major mistakes or making Mason look bad for recommending her was exhausting.

“You’ll settle in and learn the routine,” Dede said.

“I know, it’s just I don’t want to screw this up. It’s a great job. A dream job. And the pay . . . Wow!” She never expected to find anything that paid so well. Not to start. And now she wouldn’t have to rely on her mom to bail her out. She had some financial breathing room.

Sierra didn’t mind working her way up, but starting at this level, it came with an expectation that you were the best. She hoped she was up to it.

She already loved Marissa. She didn’t want to disappoint her, either.

“How were the boys this afternoon?” Her mother had agreed to pick them up after school for now. They both wanted to give the boys stability and familiarity.

“They were great. I love having them to myself for a couple hours. I get to spoil them.”

“If it’s too much . . .”

“Nonsense. They’re my grandkids. This is why I got old.” Her mother chuckled.

So did Sierra. “Thanks, Mom. It makes me feel better to know they’re with you.”

“Don’t forget Heather is expecting you tonight for dinner. You better get a move on.”

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