Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,24


He wouldn’t make that mistake again.

Unless . . . No. Revealing that kind of secret would do no good for Sierra. She’d been through enough. And he didn’t know for sure that what he thought he knew was even true. Making an accusation like that would only stir up trouble.

And if he was wrong, he could do some serious damage.

Better to keep his mouth shut and his unfounded suspicions to himself.

He walked into the top realtor in town and smiled at the beautiful woman walking out of her plush office to greet him.

“Mason. I’m so happy you called. I can’t wait for you to spend all the money I paid you during my divorce on a gorgeous new house.”

He chuckled and shook Marissa’s hand. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m here to talk about a job.”

Her perfectly sculpted eyebrows shot up. “Handing in your lawyer card to sell real estate?”

“Not a chance.”

She held her hand out toward her office past the cubicles where everyone eyed them and answered the ringing phones. “Come. Let’s talk.”

He followed her into her office, closed the door behind him, and waited for her to take her seat behind her desk before he took the chair in front of it.

She leaned forward and folded her arms on top of the mahogany desk. “You got me a huge settlement and kept my husband from taking my kids. So what can I do for you?”

“Are you still looking for a property manager?”

“I’ve done several interviews and have someone in mind. I plan to make the offer this afternoon. Why?”

Thank God. He was just in time. “I would like you to consider one more candidate.”

“Of course. What’s her name?”

He smiled, trying not to let on that this was indeed very personal. “Sierra Silva.” He didn’t use Wallace. He wasn’t sure she’d gone back to her maiden name, but he didn’t like tying David’s last name to her. Not when he thought—

“Does she at least have experience?” Marissa cut into his thoughts.

“Yes. She worked at a property management company in Napa. Her home and place of business burned to the ground in the wildfire.”

Marissa lost the knowing smile and turned solemn. “I’m so sorry to hear that. It must have been devastating.”

“Her husband passed away almost a year ago. After the fire took everything, she moved back here where she’s got family to rebuild her life. She’s got two sons to support. They’ll be attending the same school as your kids.”

Marissa shook her head. “So much tragedy.”

“She needs a break, something to go her way. I’m hoping you’ll give her a chance.”

“Yes. Of course. Ask her to please give me a call. We’ll chat, but if you’re recommending her, I’m sure we can work something out.”

Relief washed through him. “You don’t know how much I appreciate this.”

Marissa gave him another smile, filled with more understanding than teasing. “You want to make sure she stays.”

“I want her and the boys to be happy again.”

“You’re a good man, Mason. But I know this means something to you.”

He tried to play it cool. “Why do you say that?”

“Because you could have simply called me about this. Instead, you came down here to plead your case if need be.”

He sat back and spilled the truth. “She’s the one that got away.”

A romantic at heart, Marissa simply said, “Then we will give her a reason to stay so you can make her happy.”

His plan, exactly. Mason stood. “Thank you, Marissa, for doing this favor for me. I owe you.”

She waved that away. “We aren’t even even, Mason. You helped me keep my business and everything I worked for during the marriage. I may have started with my husband’s money, but I made this.” She held her hands up to encompass the realtor office. “He never liked me working. But I needed this to fill the hole our awful marriage left inside me.”

“Even without his money, I know you would have been a huge success all on your own. He knows it, too.”

“If your lady friend has even half the skills I’m looking for, she’s got the job, and I’ll make it worth her while.”

“She’s smart, kind, spunky, and driven. She won’t disappoint. In fact, I think she’ll surprise you.” He was really going out on a limb here. He’d taken the safe route in the past, though, and ended up without Sierra. This time he’d put it all out there.

“This side of you surprises me.”

“I’m not just a cutthroat lawyer, you know. I have a soft Copyright 2016 - 2024