Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,13

actively avoided her. Not that it was hard when she was rushing around trying to keep her then three- and five-year-old in line. David opted to socialize anywhere the kids weren’t demanding his attention, which had left her frustrated and looking like a frazzled maniac.

When she finally got a second of nearly a private moment to speak to Mason, he’d kept it short, asked about her, the kids, then gracefully departed with an “I’m happy you’re happy,” and walked away like they hadn’t been friends for years. The whole time they talked she’d been assailed by memories. Them riding horseback out to the creek, racing across the fields on the way home. Summers out at the pond sitting on the dock talking, teasing, and having fun. Watching the Fourth of July fireworks in the pasture his dad set off every year. Holiday parties. Summer barbecues. School events. Though he was two years older than she, they still managed to see each other a lot.

When her sisters were running late for school, she’d rush out to the road, hoping to hitch a ride with him. He never said no. Not to the ride to school or when she showed up in his barn asking to go horseback riding. Mason always saddled a horse for her and let her ride. Most of the time, he went with her. Sometimes when he could tell she just wanted to blow off steam from a bad day, a fight with her sisters, or an argument with her mom, he’d let her go alone, but he’d always watch her from the stables to be sure she never got hurt.

And in the end, she’d treated him badly one night at a bar by holding back what she really wanted to say in an awkward exchange that ended with mixed signals and hurt feelings.

“Daydreaming about our hunky neighbor?” Amy bumped her shoulder, bringing her back to the here and now. A mischievous grin tilted her lips, and an I-know-I’m-right look lit her eyes.

“I never heard whether or not he got married.” Of course he didn’t invite her after . . .

“They broke up before they ever set a wedding date.” Of course Amy knew. She was hooked in to the Mommy Grapevine in this town.

No doubt every single mother wanted a sexy, successful husband, and the last time Sierra saw Mason he certainly fit the bill to a T.

Heather fell in beside Sierra, leaning the opposite way on the railing and looking at her sideways. “I saw him at the mailbox yesterday when I visited Mom. He looks good.”

Amy leaned back and met Heather’s gaze. “Did you score a date with your dream guy?”

Heather tried to contain a soft smile as her cheeks pinked. “We had a nice conversation.”

“I bet.” Amy took on a far-off look. “We all had a mad crush on him at one point or another.”

Sierra eyed Amy, surprised by her admission. Maybe it was inevitable back then. Amy and Mason were the same age and in the same high school class. But Sierra spent the most time at his place because she loved to ride.

Heather stared down at her feet. “As usual, he was nice. Hallee loved him.”

“I think every female who sees him falls a little in love with him.” Amy patted her heart, her eyes wistful with a touch of mirth.

Heather didn’t let it go. “He’s a good guy. I could use one of them.”

“He’s definitely a better choice than the deadbeat dad you picked.” Amy sometimes didn’t know when to keep her thoughts to herself.

Heather glared. “He wasn’t a deadbeat dad. You don’t know what happened, so shut up.”

Amy held her hands up in surrender. “Okay. Touchy subject. Got it. But one of these days you’re going to have to spill the beans about your baby daddy.”

Heather bounced off the railing and headed for the front door. “Leave it alone.” She walked in and slammed it behind her.

Sierra would have gone after her, but she wanted a little while longer out on the porch in the peace and quiet of a beautiful starlit night while the kids watched a Disney movie. “You shouldn’t badger her about Hallee’s father.”

“Don’t you want to know who it is?”

“I’m curious, but I also know it’s none of my business.”

Amy bumped shoulders with her again. “Come on. You know you can’t stand not knowing. I think she keeps it a secret because she had a one-night stand and doesn’t even know the guy’s name.”

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