Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,124

audience of friends and family, but she only had eyes for the man who stepped forward and held his hand out to her. She took it and stepped up onto the stage.

“God, you’re beautiful.” Mason gave her a soft kiss.

Sighs erupted in the audience along with a few woots from the guys.

Mason smiled down at her, then gave his neighbor and buddy Luke, who’d become certified online to perform their ceremony, a sheepish grin.

Luke teased him. “Give me five minutes and you can kiss her all you want.”

Everyone burst out with laughter.

Sierra handed her bouquet to Amy and took Mason’s hands and lost herself in his steady, loving gaze and the simple ceremony. His declaration of love and devotion along with the promises he made filled her up. She didn’t hesitate to give him back all he’d given her and before she knew it they’d exchanged rings and said, “I do,” and Luke pronounced them husband and wife.

Mason kissed her again, taking his time, the cheers washed out by the sheer joy emanating from both of them.

“I give you Mr. and Mrs. Moore.”

Hearing that felt so right.

Everything about being with Mason felt like it was meant to be.

Amy handed her back the flowers.

Sierra and Mason faced their friends and family as husband and wife and she couldn’t smile big enough to convey the happiness bursting out of her.

They’d planned their exit for the photographer to get an amazing shot.

Emma and Hallee led the way with Danny, Oliver, and P.J. next, Amy at the side behind them, and she and Mason following them all back down the aisle, smiling for the pictures she knew would be amazing and capture the moment.

They left their guests to find their way to their tables for lunch while she, Mason, and the wedding party took more pictures in the hotel’s amazing gardens.

Twenty minutes later, they rejoined their guests to rousing applause and she and Mason took to the dance floor for their first dance. The kids joined in, making everyone smile again.

Mason danced with her mom and she danced with his dad, then she danced with her boys together before dancing with her dad while Mason danced with his mom.

They finally took a break to eat and chat with guests.

She spotted Heather sitting quietly by herself, the other guests from her table on the dance floor. Heather looked so alone. It should make her happy to see her sister get a little of what she deserved, but it didn’t. It made her sad. She didn’t want to feel this way today of all days. She wanted everyone, including Heather, to be happy and celebrating.

She didn’t have a solution that would bring her and Heather closer but she’d think on it later. Right now, she wanted to live in the moment and wallow in her happiness.

Sierra let it all go for now and enjoyed the rest of the reception by her husband’s side. She pulled Mason back out onto the dance floor for a slow song and found peace as they swayed to the music.

When it came time for them to leave for their honeymoon, their guests lined the exit and stairs to the waiting limo.

Sierra stopped and kissed her boys good-bye. “Be good. We’ll call you tomorrow and send pictures.” She looked forward to spending the next week in Hawaii at a luxury resort, soaking up the sun, and working on a brother or sister for the boys.

She intended to spend every second with Mason, not just getting through the days, but living them to the fullest for the rest of her life.

She hugged her mom. “Thank you for always being there for me.”

“Be happy.”

“Done. I couldn’t get any happier than I am right now.”

Amy stepped away from Rex’s side and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so glad you moved back home.”

“Me, too. See you when I get back.”

Mason let loose the boys, who practically strangled him with their hugs. He waved good-bye to her mom and sister and his family, then they finally made it down the steps under a rain of flower petals to the limo. She glanced over her shoulder to toss the bouquet, but spotted Heather standing with Hallee in front of her.

She squeezed Mason’s hand. “Give me a sec.”

He glanced at Heather and nodded.

Sierra walked up the two steps, smiled down at Hallee, then handed the bouquet to her sister. She leaned in close and whispered something for her sister’s ears only. “I hope this brings you good Copyright 2016 - 2024