Sisters and Secrets - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,113

and sad about them moving into Mason’s house.

“We’ve been talking about it for weeks. Mason says all the work is finished at his place, though he hasn’t let me come over and see any of it this past week.”

“It’ll be a surprise for all of you.” Dede touched her arm. “You’ve been so resilient. I’m amazed at how well you’ve managed to deal with everything. I know it hasn’t been easy, but I see how hard you try to stay focused on what you want and the future.”

“It’s the only thing I can do. Being with Mason makes it easier to let it go and move on.”

“He makes you happy.”

Sierra didn’t understand the trace of a question in that statement, but it was easy to reassure her mom. “Yes. So happy. I see him with the boys and I fall deeper in love with him. He’s made us a priority in his life.” Mason still worked hard, but now instead of spending late hours at his office because he didn’t have anything pulling him home, he was happy to find a work-life balance for himself.

Her heart melted every time she saw him and his eyes lit up. Then he’d give her a wide smile and kiss her like he hadn’t seen her in forever.

She loved talking about their day over dinner and how they traded off reading stories to the boys at night. They’d done that here at her mom’s place this past week, but she imagined them doing it at Mason’s from now on.

The ranch would be their home.

And she couldn’t wait.

“Mason loves us. I’m excited about our future. So are the boys. They light up around him. They even mimic him.” She smiled to herself. Every night Mason stood to clear his plate from the table and the boys did the same thing and followed him into the kitchen. Mason rinsed his plate and put it in the dishwasher. The boys followed his lead and did the same.

They looked up to him.

They wanted to be like him.

She loved that.

With Mason, everything seemed easy and possible.

“I just want you to be happy.” Her mom searched her face for any sign she had second thoughts about moving in with him.

“Mom, I was happy when David and I moved in together and started our family. With Mason . . . I wish I could express how joyfully blissful I am. I think about him and I smile. I see him and all I want to do is hug him and kiss him and just be with him. When we talk, I know he’s listening and wants to know about my day and what I want and need in my life. From the start, he’s talked about us. It’s not about him or me, but what we’ll do going forward. How we’ll raise the boys. The life we’ll share.”

“That’s how it should be.”

“After all this business with him investigating David and learning about Heather, I know I can count on him to have my back and stand beside me. I know that if we disagree or he does something I don’t like, he’s willing to talk it out, apologize, and make things right.” Sierra appreciated his openness so much. “I know that if we hit a rough patch, he’ll speak up about what he needs and that we’ll talk it through together. He’s seen so many relationships fall apart. He knows how devastating David’s betrayal was for me. Our relationship is different. It’s better. When Mason is happy, I’m happy.”

“Then you’re truly fated.”

For some reason, that sparked a memory from the past. Something she’d forgotten, but suddenly wanted to share with Mason. It shifted something in her heart and eased the sting of what David had done to her.

“Where are the boys? We need to get going.”

Dede checked her watch. “Mason picked them up twenty minutes ago and took them over to the ranch to get the horses ready for your ride.”

Mason taught the boys all about chores and caring for the horses.

“Strange. I told him last night we’d head over together.”

Dede shrugged and looked away. “He must be anxious to have you all there together today.”

Sierra had spent the morning packing up their rooms while her mom kept the boys occupied downstairs with breakfast and cartoons.

“Well, I’m headed over there. We’ll be back later to pick up the bags and boxes.” They’d use Mason’s truck, because they’d accumulated a lot of new stuff since arriving.

Excited, Sierra’s belly fluttered with anticipation. She Copyright 2016 - 2024