Sinth Stalker - Pearl Tate Page 0,3

All Sinth are clones with carefully controlled “births”. Most of the time, there are two representatives of each family alive and in contact with the Sinth Sovereignty at all times. Due to my Predecessor’s “off-phase] ” status due to his disappearance into his dimension, I’m surprised the Sovereignty hasn’t contacted me to let me know when they plan to clone someone else in our bloodline.

The fallout between Purlogh and the Sovereignty caused him to abandon his respectable occupation as a scientist based on the planet Sinthroid. Everyone believes he retreated to his dimension to fade away because they’ve no idea I still communicate with him. Payak may suspect, but as far as the Sovereignty is concerned, he’s dead to them.

“I’ve found out that what Payak suspected is true.” Payak was sent to Earth to find Mavin, although Payak already had an idea of what happened. “Mavin has mated to an Earth female he stumbled across on Teleplay during his re-education.” There’s a pause on the other end of the device, as silence echoes through my head with my Predecessor’s lack of response.

This is why I hate talking to him this way! I’ve no idea—utilizing this primitive device—what he’s really thinking when I relay information from my Guardian duties. I know I’m being used, but I don’t know why. Why does he want to torture himself with this information about life going on without him on the Sinth planet?

Surely there are other places and things he’d like to discover in this shared dimension. Planets like Earth. If he really isn’t investigating his own dimension, and he never plans on coming back like so many Sinth do … I have to wonder what he could be planning.

If he’s up to something, do I need to be worried about how it’ll affect me down the road? Will they be able to tie it back to me? That’s why I sometimes consider going totally “off-phase” myself.

“Is the Wen virus confirmed and spreading as quickly as it usually does?” Purlogh’s voice is subdued, and I know he’s thinking the same thing I am. I watch the sunlight stream through the huge tree canopy overhead, creating a dappled effect on the stream that I’ve been traveling along for the last couple of days. It’s a shame all this will be completely ruined, pink-tinted and dying, by the time the virus runs its course.

The landscape will change, and everyone will give up on letting anything live here beyond what will survive on a planet called Kaa far across the galaxy. That’s where the Wen virus originates from, producing itself naturally from an alien species there called the Wen. They’re a disgusting looking alien that releases the toxin causing the virus. The toxin prepares everything around the Wen to be a viable food source for them.

“Not yet,” I finally answer, wondering again just why he cares. “Last I heard, It’s been isolated into two areas on the planet. As I mentioned before, they did locate the source. The female that Mavin discovered on Teleplay was taken there along with three other Earth males. They were being contained in a Fakel feed pen and had all been exposed.” Taking a long drink of water, I can practically hear Purlogh gnashing his teeth on the other side of our communication as he waits for me, but I’m parched. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until I started to speak.

“Consequently, she did recover from the Wen virus—”

“She did?” Purlogh’s volume rises from shock, and his interest in how this happened is clearly evident in the tone.

“Yes.” Splashing some water on my face, I wipe away sweat. “But they came back here, and she was involved in some kind of altercation with a previous partner. He’s the one who spread the disease into the two areas. From the logs I reviewed this morning, the team just found this out, and they sent Nikon to visit the organization the source was a member of here in Iceland.”

“Are you going back to follow up with him?” Purlogh hesitates while I roll my eyes. “Or are you still traipsing around in the vegetation on Earth?”

And this is another reason why I’m not always willing to tell him about my own personal decisions. I know he’s never taken me into consideration when he makes his decisions. Otherwise, shortly after he was shunned, I wouldn’t have dealt with my own re-education process.

Did Purlogh think about how my life would be affected by the fallout of his Copyright 2016 - 2024