Sins He Taught Me - Nicole Fox Page 0,73

an instant, I pull my gun from my jacket and fire at Shehu’s feet, watching as he jumps back and shouts at his men to fire back. Turning on my heels, I point the gun at the nearest Albanian and put two holes in his chest. He collapses with a cry of agony, but I don’t stop moving.

Shots ring out behind me, and I duck behind one of their cars. We trade bullets, loud clangs bouncing off the metal frame of the car in front of me. I manage to down two more of Shehu’s men, which only enrages him more.

He screams bloody murder, standing up and firing wildly in my direction. Gasping for breath, I drop down behind the car and try to think. I have to get the fuck out of here. I have to make it back to my car, but I can’t with all of these men aiming at me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of his men approaching. I aim at his foot and fire, watching as his shoe explodes with blood. When he stumbles forward, I jump up and grab him, using him as a shield while I back up towards my own car.

“Fuck,” he cries, blood spilling down his chest as he takes five bullets. When he’s no longer useful and I’m able to put distance between us, I drop him and sprint towards my vehicle. I reach for the handle when I feel a hard thud in my back nearly knock me off my feet. The Kevlar beneath my jacket is the only thing keeping the bullet from splintering my rib cage into a million shards.

I practically dive into the car, slamming the door shut and fumbling to get my keys in the ignition. My heart thuds in my chest. I put the car in drive and speed off, shots ringing out as I barely escape with my life.

That was too fucking close.

I head for a quick pit stop at a nearby Morozov safe house to ditch my weapon before going home. My mind is racing the whole time.

I didn’t think Brahim and his crew would be so aggressive, but clearly I miscalculated. A stupid mistake, the kind of situation a man like me should never be getting himself into. Idiotic. I have a kingdom to run, men who rely on me.

Not to mention, Nikolas almost lost his only living family member tonight. And I can’t help but shake the thought of Victoria finding out I’ve been killed. Would it crush her? Would I want it to?

I shake my head and keep my eyes on the road. She should be the last thing I’m worrying about, yet she’s still high on my list of priorities. It’s a sign that I’m in way too deep, and I need to get back on track.

Another stupid mistake might be my last.



I tell myself over and over again that it was just sex. It doesn’t have to mean anything. We’re both mature adults who can sleep together without making things weird.

But I can’t lie to myself and say that it doesn’t hurt every morning I wake up and he’s nowhere to be found. I knew before I ever even kissed him that he wouldn’t be home much, but this time it feels different.

Insecurity tells me that I wasn’t good enough for him. He didn’t enjoy our time together and he’s just trying to avoid me because he doesn’t want to have to break the news to me.

But that’s ridiculous and I know it. I heard him and I felt him. He enjoyed it as much as I did.

If he were around, I’d talk to him about it, but as it is, I haven’t seen him since that night in the kitchen. Not for more than a few seconds before he locks himself away in some secluded room in the house.

Lately, I’ve been trying to avoid thinking about it and instead focusing all my attention on Nikolas. He seems to be doing really well being back in school. He always mentions the friends he plays with during recess, and he even brings home projects that I get to hang on the fridge.

I’ve just put Niko down for a nap after picking him up from school—poor thing looked exhausted—when the doorbell rings. The housekeepers are usually out running errands in the afternoons, so I go to answer it.

I peek through the hole in the door. Not recognizing the suited man outside, I pull the Copyright 2016 - 2024