The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,53

knows exists. The only way in is through a gap hidden by a drape.

Reuben stands there now, holding Trinity’s upper arm.

Now that she’s back on her feet, Trinity seems to be a touch calmer than before. Or it could be the books. They have a calming effect on us too. The same hush seems to fill every library in the world fills this one too.

“Go ahead,” I tell Reuben as I grasp Trinity’s other arm. “We’re right behind you.”

He shrugs his shoulders, pushes aside the thick drape, and miraculously makes himself disappear into that dark sliver.

Cassius follows, and then sticks out a hand for Trinity. She resists a little at first, and then throws me a furious look when I make the kind of soothing sounds you use to calm a skittish horse. With a chuckle, I feed her through the gap, Cassius pulling her from the other side.

Unlike us, she goes through easily.

Too easily.

If we don’t pay attention, she could escape.

Good thing Apollo’s keeping watch upstairs then.

Reuben turns on the lamp as I slide through the gap. Warm orange light suffuses the nest. From Trinity’s wide eyes and stiff form, I’m guessing she didn’t expect anything like this.

The space is as large as the library is wide, which is about ten yards, give or take. We’ve split our nest into two areas—a pseudo living area with sofas, chairs, and tables, and a makeshift bedroom.

Thankfully, since we all have private rooms in the dormitory, no one notices if we don’t sleep in that wretched building, especially if we make sure we’re back inside before first light.

The bedroom area is separated by another stolen drape. At the moment, it’s tucked off to one side, baring the layers of mattresses and blankets and pillows that make up that side of the room.

A true nest.

And I guess Trinity’s mind comes to the worst possible conclusion when she sees it.

She shrieks through her gag and races straight for the gap in the bookshelves. I catch the first thing I can, and yank her back by a handful of wet curls.

Reuben takes off his shirt, staring at the damp spot she made with no expression. He grabs a fresh shirt from the pile neatly stacked on one of the numerous bookshelves we used to create this space.

We moved out most of the books from this side of the wall and replaced them with bottles of sacramental wine and hard booze, cartons of cigarettes, porn magazines, and whatever else we felt we couldn’t keep in the dorm.

I haven’t been down here in close to a week. I’m not sure when last one of my brothers was either. We’ve been avoiding this space, and each other, so we wouldn’t risk exposing ourselves.

We were so close, too.

I tighten the fist in Trinity’s hair.

So fucking close.

I turn her to face me, and then wrench open the belt keeping her gag in place. For once, she doesn’t spit out her panties immediately. Instead, she watches me with wide, bright eyes as her lips tremble an inch apart.

“The next time you run, I’m taking you over my knee. Do you understand?”

She hesitates, and then nods.

Cassius is close—I can feel his body heat. From the sounds of things, Reuben is pouring us shots.

I could use one.

I could use a blunt even more, but that’s Cass’s department. “Roll us one,” I tell him. He moves away, taking his warmth with him.

I stick a finger in Trinity’s mouth, hook her underwear and yank it out. She licks her lips and grimaces, but then smooths her face.

“You’re hurting me,” she says.

“What’s your point?”

Something flickers in her eyes. Fear? Panic? It’s gone too fast for me to make out.

I can’t imagine what she’s thinking. Luckily for her, she’s not going to be wondering about anything for much longer.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


This place looks like a psycho’s version of a man cave with all the dirty magazines and alcohol lying around. The sofas have seen better years—most have been duct-taped to stop the stuffing from coming out.

Then again, it is clean, if untidy. No rat droppings or cockroaches anywhere.

And not a single mote of dust.

A stark contrast with the library I walked through to get here. I can’t believe this place was here the whole time I’d been teaching Jasper. I didn’t have a clue. Which I suppose is exactly what they made sure of.

Zachary still has a hand in my hair. His tight grip stings, but the ties around my wrists hurt more.

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