The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,40

again. I’d slipped into a trance while energy moved between us.

I’m not being new age about it—I felt it. My entire body came alive at his touch. Every disastrous thing that happened up to that point had melted away.

I was at peace.

I felt loved.

I’m convinced he actually managed to contact God on my behalf.

That, or he’s some kind of god himself.

When Miriam comes for me, I’m not frightened anymore. Not of him. Not of her.

Not of this place, or my future, or my past.

I’m ready to face whatever she has waiting.

She notices that when I leave the prayer room.

But it doesn’t change anything.

I guess around here nothing ever changes. Rules are rules. I misbehaved and for that I have to be punished.

I just wish it wasn’t her handing out my penance.

Chapter Twenty-One


“This isn’t working is it?” Apollo says as soon as I get within earshot. “Why isn’t it working, Zac?” He was pacing, thumbs hooked into his belt, but as soon as I’m in the crypt’s sunken center, he sinks into a chair and starts jiggling his leg.

He’s not the only agitated one. Reuben is perched on the edge of his seat, meaty hands clasped and dangling between his legs. Cassius is smoking a blunt, but with an intensity that belies his slouched body and deadpan expression.

“I don’t know,” I mutter. I snatch the blunt from Cass’s fingertips just as he’s about to take a drag, and give it a hefty tug. “But she’s fucking testing my patience.”

Apollo snorts.

Between the four of us, I’m the rock. It takes a shit load to piss me off or deter me. Weather-beaten, but still standing.

Because, long before the Brotherhood, there was only me.

Then came Apollo. Then came Reuben. Then came Cassius.

Even back then, we had no notion of revenge. For us it was all about survival. Every day was a silent victory.

Every hour.

Every fucking second.

This girl is getting under my skin. Anyone in her position would have been out that door in ten seconds flat.

“She’s a fucking masochist, that’s what she is,” Cass says. “But you were right. She didn’t say a word about me to anyone.” He sits forward, imitating Reuben. “She didn’t, right?”

“Not to me.” I shake my head and take another drag. Then I have to smile, because it’s fucking rare either of us gets the chance. “That drawing though…”

Cassius’s face lights up with a grin. He leans across and taps Apollo’s chest with the back of his hand. “Bro, you should have seen it.”

Apollo looks up at me. “You still got it, right?”

I nod. “Some of Cass’s best work.” I study the blunt between my fingers. “She’s stronger than we thought. Braver. We might have to change tactics.”

I take a last hit of the joint. It’s almost down to the filter, but I offer it to Rube like I always do. I’m already retracting my hand on automatic when he takes it from me.

Apollo’s jiggling leg freezes. Cassius turns to stare.

Reuben studies the joint, and then eviscerates the last quarter-inch of weed. I almost dart forward and retrieve it before he inhales the fucking filter too.

He drops it to the floor and crushes it out under a massive shoe.

When he exhales, Cassius and Apollo disappear behind the smoke cloud.

“She’s not brave, she’s just stubborn,” Reuben says. He shifts in his seat before glancing hesitantly in my direction.

“What do you mean?”

“I know you said I shouldn’t go near her—”

I’m on my feet in a second. “What did you do?”

“Nothing.” Reuben spreads his hands. “She came to me.”

“What? Why?” Apollo demands.

“Doesn’t matter,” Rube tells Apollo before turning back to me. “I didn’t do anything. I just…prayed with her.”

“Rube…” My voice is dangerously low. “What did you say to her?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing. But I saw she was more scared of me than Sister Miriam.”

“If she’s so scared, then why hasn’t she ratted us out?” Cass demands. “I mean, all she has to do—”

“Shame. Denial. Fear of the consequences. I could go on.” I take my seat, sitting back and spreading my legs. This isn’t comfort, but when the four of us are together it’s like I’ve come home after a long day. These brief meetings in the crypt are our versions of Sunday lunch.

Out there, we’re just a bunch of kids.

In here, we’re motherfucking assassins.

Unfortunately, Trinity Malone only sees us as we are outside these walls.

“Textbook behavior,” I add.

Every eyebrow twitches at this—even Reuben’s.

“So what do we do? The girl’s not budging,” Apollo mutters, sitting back and crossing his arms Copyright 2016 - 2024