The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,34

turn it over.

What the hell?

This isn’t my textbook. Mine was a grubby second-hand copy—this one’s squeaky new.

I risk a quick glance over my shoulder.

Cassius is slouched in his seat, his long legs stretched out in front of him, ankles crossed. He has a textbook propped up on the desk in front of him.

That’s my textbook.


I spin back to face Sister Sharon. I open my mouth to apologize right off the bat for whatever she wants to charge me with, but then her eyes move down and land on the textbook.

“Have you forgotten how books work?” she asks sweetly, and my stomach sinks like a rock dropped down a well.

“No, Sister.”

“Then open it.”

Something tells me that’s not a good idea.

I should tell her it’s not my book, that Cassius switched it, but it’s obvious he’s one of her favored students. Plus, I never got around to writing my name in the front.

Screw it. I’m not gonna let this guy ruffle my feathers. My ass is still aching from my fall—I think I bruised it—and I don’t want him to think any of this shit affects me.

WWJD, right? He’d turn the other fucking cheek.

But I can’t move. I’m terrified.

Sharon’s eyes narrow to slits. She walks over and uses the tip of her ruler to flip open the cover.

I stare down at a photo-realistic drawing of Brother Zachary. Then I tip my head up and gape at Sister Sharon as my cheeks catch fire.


Why would Cassius do this to me?

“Wow,” comes a breathy whisper from behind. “That’s downright blasphemous, little slut.”

“I didn’t draw that!” I scoot back my chair and jump up. “Sister, I swear this isn’t my textbook.”


Everyone in class except Cassius flinches when her wooden ruler slaps down on the book. Sister Sharon has good aim—she manages to cover Zachary’s penciled ass and the cock he’s got shoved in my ass.

“I could come up with better excuses in my sleep,” Sister Sharon says, her wrinkled lips pursing with disgust.

I half-turn to glance at Cassius.

He’s sitting there with his elbows propped on the table, his head in his hands, mouth open with shock like he doesn’t know exactly where this book came from.


My ass thumps into the chair.

“Hand out. Flat on the desk.”

I turn wide, pleading eyes to Sister Sharon but my hand’s already moving over the wooden desk. She uses the tip of her rule to flip closed the textbook, and then taps the far side of my desk.


My hand slides to the spot she selected. I close my eyes and drop my head, stifling a gasp when she brings her ruler down on the back of my hand.




It’s like she’s trying to beat the sexual deviancy out of me. I keep my head down even when I hear her walking away. Then I glance back at Cassius without lifting it.

There’s no mistaking the satisfied gleam in his eyes.

“Why?” I mouth to him, blinking back tears of pain. I slide my hand back and cradle it in my lap as I wait for his answer.

“Eyes up front!” Sharon slaps her ruler on the edge of her desk, and the whole class sits up, me included.

When she turns her back again, I’m already anticipating the warm breath on the side of my neck, and Cassius’s smooth voice in my ears.

“I don’t like you, New Girl,” Cassius murmurs. “I think you should go back to where you came from.”

“Fuck you.” I sit forward so I don’t have to listen to him anymore.

A hand knots in my curly hair. Cassius wrenches my head back. I’m so shocked, I don’t even gasp.

His lips brush the shell of my ear as he whispers. “I’m just getting started. If I were you, I’d find a new school.”

I spend the rest of the lesson silently seething as I try to ignore my aching knuckles and scalp.

As soon as the bell rings Cassius swaggers past me and out the door.

I scoop up my things and hurry after him.

Words are going to be said. Possibly even yelled. I won’t stand for this and Cassius is going to know it in the next five seconds.

“Not so fast, Trinity.”

I skid to a halt by Sister Sharon’s desk.

“Sister?” I do my best to look humbled and not like I’m on my way to attack someone in the hallway.

She perches on the edge of her chair before taking a piece of paper from her drawer. Bowing her head, she starts writing. “This behavior is unacceptable.”

I open my mouth but she doesn’t allow me to Copyright 2016 - 2024