The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,264

me, forcing me closer to the wall. We move out of the range of the water, but he doesn’t turn it off. It hammers down on the tiles behind us as my cheek slams into the cold wall, as he pushes a hand between my shoulder blades to keep me in place and slides the other between my legs from behind.

“That’s true, but it’s not right.”

He crowds against me, his cock pressing against my entrance. I moan, and I’m not entirely sure if it’s with panic or need. Zach must take it as the former, because I feel his cock throb against me as it grows even harder.

His teeth nip at my ear. “When you’re scared, Trinity…I’m not.”

Zach thrusts into me, driving thought from my mind. I gasp, my mouth staying open as I struggle with the titillating mess of pleasure and pain wreathing through me. He draws out and then slams back in again, immediately falling into a punishing tempo. My core clenches around him, and I let out little gasps of pain that quickly transform into pants of deep-seated need.

Somehow, despite his breathless growls as he slams into me, despite the pouring water, despite my own ringing ears…I hear the bathroom door open.

I would be relieved, but all I feel is that intoxicating rush that fills me when I’m with Zach.

When I’m with any of them. All of them.

As if he knows he’s seconds away from losing his only one-on-one time with me in years, Zach thrusts into me and groans deep and hard, filling me with his seed until it drips down my legs. He slides a finger over my clit, toying with the engorged little nub as a stuttering breath washes over my ear.

“When you’re scared, baby girl, all I want to do is protect you. Even when I’m the one hurting you, scaring you. And that brief fucking moment is the only peace I ever have inside this twisted freakshow I call a mind.” He rubs my clit so hard that my teeth clench. Still deep inside me, he moves his hips, forcing me to feel every inch of him.

“But I don’t want you to be scared anymore,” he whispers.

Pressure builds inside me, seconds away from tearing me apart. “Zach.” His name comes out mangled. His finger picks up speed, his other hand parting my cheeks and stroking a hard line over my backdoor.

“Even if that means I’ll never have another moment of peace in my wretched fucking life.”

I come with a strangled gasp, slapping my hands against the tiles above my head as I try and hold onto my sanity. A righteous shudder courses through me, and I’m dimly aware that Zachary’s suddenly not touching me anymore, that there are raised voices, shouts.

But thankfully another warm body replaces his. Long, graceful fingers slide between my legs, some sliding into me, some cupping my pussy and toying with my clit as I unravel.

Pleasure wraps me up tight and then slowly unwinds, leaving me lightheaded and breathless.

I push away from the wall, letting Cass envelop me from behind. I almost lose myself in the feel of his embrace, but then I hear an unmistakable sound.

A punch.

A groan.

Someone falling.

“No!” I spin around, clutching at Cass’s naked body as his embrace suddenly becomes a prison. I fight him, but he pins me effortlessly against the wall. “Cass!”

My eyes flicker to him, but his face is steel. “He said he was going to apologize, not fuck you until you bleed.”

“I’m not bleeding.”

“You could have been,” Cass growls. Anger turns his eyes a sullen navy blue. “That fucking cunt isn’t going to keep using you like this. Enough is enough.”

“He…” I swallow hard.

Using me.

He was, wasn’t he? All this time. He just told me so. I keep his demons at bay. I give him peace…if only briefly.

I stand on tip-toes to look over Cass’s shoulder and yell out, “Leave him alone!”

Rube lifts a fisted hand, about to deliver another punch to where Apollo is holding Zach against the bathroom wall, but he pauses. When he looks at me over his shoulder, his brilliant green eyes are narrowed.

“You said it’s over,” he rumbles, his face twisting. “Well, it’s fucking over.”

“Rube, no!” I shriek. “Stop!”

Rube shakes his head and lands his fist squarely in the middle of Zach’s face. Blood gushes from his broken nose, and all he does is laugh. “See?” he calls out to me. “Fit in or fuck off, Trinity.”

Rube lines up another punch.

I shove at Cass, but he Copyright 2016 - 2024