The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,255

be movie stars, Cass and Trinity. Runway models posing for a particularly risqué shoot. Trinity in her form-fitting dress that ends in a stiff skirt just above her knees. Cass with his shapeless clothes that somehow still accentuate his tall frame and toned muscles.

As he turns back to the Ghost, the knife now in his possession, our eyes meet. He pauses, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a half-smile, and then he faces the Ghost.

That crooked smile becomes a leering grin that shows too many teeth to be pleasant.

Adam Fairway is not familiar to me. He didn’t speak much when he was down in the basement, and he only ever used Apollo. In the dark, the damp, features weren’t always visible. An ordinary man could easily turn into a skull with ink bleeding from its sockets.

Plus, it has been over fifteen years. People change.

Adam didn’t recognize any of us. Not even Apollo. Not at first, anyway. But when we refused to answer his pleas, refused to let him out of the panel van, he started staring at each and every one of us, eyes narrowed, brow furrowed.

He worked it out eventually.

We all change…but our eyes can never lie. Apollo had been avoiding eye contact, but the moment he looked over at Adam, the man gasped, clutched his heart, and passed out.

Zachary nearly rolled the car. We all thought he’d had a fucking heart attack. That God had robbed us of this—our last vengeful act.

But he came to when Cass kicked him in the balls, and then it was all just snot and tears.

Fingers wrap around my wrist, and my gaze snaps to Trinity standing beside me. She stares up at me with round, vacant eyes and parted lips. Then she cocks her head to the side, toward the only door leading out of this place.

As I turn to follow, Cass’s arm descends in a sharp arc that ends with Adam’s breathless yell and the splatter of blood on the floor.

Outside, our breathes plume in the icy air. Trinity shivers, and I immediately slide my arm over her shoulders, dragging her against my body. “You’ll freeze out here. Let me get your coat.”

“You’re my coat,” she murmurs, burrowing her face into my chest and wrapping her arms around my waist. “You can keep me warm.”

“You okay?” She’s shaking in my hands, but I don’t know if it’s the cold or the fact that she just severely debilitated a man with a hunting knife. I’m not even sure if surgery would ever help him walk again—

The fuck do I care? It’s not as if he’s leaving the cabin alive. His easy way out came in the van when he almost had a heart attack. It’s too late now. He’s in it for the long haul, as are we.


“I’m fine,” she says, her voice sharp. “Quit asking.” But as if to make up for the snap in her voice, she tips back her head and stands on tip-toes. If there was ever any hope of us kissing, I’d have to bend down, but I watch her for a few seconds first.

Her dark eyes still glow with that honey-gold ring. Her lips are still soft and sweet and pink. But she’s changed too. Her face is rounder, her hair longer, her figure fuller. She’s turned into the woman us four men needed.

But have we turned into the men she needs?

I duck down and slide my hands under her skirt, grabbing her ass and hoisting her up to my waist. Her legs wrap around me in a flash, hugging me tightly as she slings her arms behind my neck.

Her kiss is fierce, urgent with need. She bucks against my body, her spine moving like a serpent, knowing I can’t stop myself when she’s this insistent.

Even though I know I’ll be punished when my brothers find out, I spin around and crush her against the side of the cabin. The wood is rough, unfinished, crude as the grunt she makes when her back slams into the log wall. I rip her underwear to the side with my thumb, wrestling my cock out of my jeans with the other.

All it took was one kiss to make me this hard, her breath whispering against my neck before I’m aching to be inside her.

I thrust, groaning deep when her pussy clenches around me. Compared to the handful of snowflakes sifting down in the icy air, Trinity’s cunt scorches. I slam into her, drawing a gasp that makes Copyright 2016 - 2024