The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,241

white lips aren’t moving.

Great. Just fucking great. Now I’m hallucinating?

Her chest isn’t moving under my knee either.

What’s worse? Suffocating, or bleeding out?

But no. Our girl’s stronger than that. She can breathe with me on top of her, right?

I brush my fingers against her cheek, smearing around the blood on her face. Shit…I can’t let the guys see her in this state. She looks like a medieval prostitute who applied her rouge by candlelight.

I snag the hem of my shirt. Wet it with saliva. Wipe it over her skin. That works. But God, there’s a lot of blood on her face. I keep licking my shirt and wiping it off.

Her cheek is semi-clean. I move onto her forehead.

Is it just me, or is she slightly colder than a living person should be?


Not a chance am I starting to think shit like that. She’s just having a little siesta. Lot of work, fighting off a big guy like that. I’m not hundreds, but I think she shot him in the head too.

I have to take her to a shooting range sometime. She’s a fucking natural. Okay, admittedly, it was as point-blank as you can get. I’m sure he’s got powder burn. Ha, ha—we’ll never know. Rube caved in his fucking skull with the gun.

“How’d you get so much blood on you, babe?” I ask her.

You shot the back of that bitch’s head off, Trinity says.

“Whoa, easy on the snark there, little girl. Who’s the one plugging you up? I believe it’s me. You keep up that attitude, I’ll let you bleed out.”

Oh no, Cass, please don’t do that. I love you so much. I want to live so I can thank you for saving my life, Trinity croons.

“That’s more like it.” I swipe my damp shirt over her nose. “And don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to thank me for saving your life. Rest of your life, come to think about it.” Soon as her nose is clean, I press the tip of my finger to it. “Boop!”

“Cass,” comes Apollo’s voice from the doorway.

Christ. Can’t he see I’m trying to keep our girl alive?


“C-ass.” This time, there’s a hitch in Apollo’s voice. I stop trying to clean Trinity’s blood-splattered face and glance over my shoulder at the door.

“Get up,” says the man behind Apollo as he walks them inside. Dark eyes scan the room, taking in the partially headless corpse on one side, then the other body on the floor by the bed.

He’s a handsome man, but unnaturally so. His nose is just too narrow and shapely. His cheekbones slightly too pronounced. Like he was good looking to start with, and then went under the knife a few times just for shits and giggles.

“I said, get up.” He presses the muzzle of his gun so hard against Apollo’s ear that my brother’s head tilts to the side.

“N-No,” I manage. “If I do, then she’ll die.”

“If you don’t, then he dies.”

Apollo’s holding tight to the arm slung around his upper chest. His eyes are closed, but I really wish they were open so I could at least have a chance of communicating with him.

It’s pointless, though.

He’s not a fighter like us. He’s the thinker. The philosopher. A true hippy who believes violence is never the answer.

Bet he’s regretting some of his life choices now.

“You always a dick to strangers?” I ask him as I furiously try to think of a way out of this.

Could shoot him, of course. There’s a gun on the floor. The dead woman must have dropped it there. But I can’t move that far or Trinity will bleed out. Plus, Mr. Vain looks trigger happy enough to shoot me if I so much as fart without his permission.

My comment curls up his lips ever so slightly. And God, that pseudo-smile makes my blood run ice-cold.

“You don’t know who I am?” He shifts his grip on Apollo, grabbing a fistful of his hair instead of the chokehold. He turns my brother’s head to the side so he can stare at Apollo’s face. “Trevor recognized me.”

A shudder goes through Apollo.


It can’t be.

If this guy was involved with our captivity ten years ago, I would have remembered him. Which means he must be a new player in this fucked up game, but who? Is he Gabriel’s replacement?

But doesn’t matter. Whoever he is, he’s about to kill one, if not all, of the people in this room.

Where the fuck are Rube and Zach?

Rube went into the hall looking for Apollo so he Copyright 2016 - 2024