The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,22

we get.”

“Exactly!” Apollo’s foot starts tapping. “It’s our fuckin’ last chance. We don’t do this, we’ve got shit. Nothing. Fucking nada.”

“Relax,” Cassius murmurs, handing the blunt back to Apollo. “We’ll figure this out.”

Apollo’s right. For once, time isn’t on our side.

I make eye contact with Cass. He’s watching me with such intensity I already know what he’s going to say.

“We have to try.” Cass stands. “Even if it’s a fuck up. Even if we get outed, this ends with him, one way or the other.”

“Sit down,” I murmur.

“You knew this day was coming.”

“Sit. Down.”

He does, but with ill grace and the type of sulky mouth I’d expect on Apollo.

Rube’s staring a hole through my head. I prop my elbows on my knees and lace my fingers together. My ankles are starting to throb, but I don’t want to draw attention to the fact by rubbing them.

“Then I vote yes.” I glance aside at Reuben when he remains silent. “Got to be unanimous, brother.”

Reuben’s chair creaks when he shifts his weight. Apollo and Cass finish the blunt between them in the time it takes him to speak. When he finally looks up at me, determination gleams in his eyes.

“No,” he says.

I only realize I was holding my breath when it streams out of me in a hiss.


Of course not.

Reuben doesn’t take chances. If there’s the smallest chance something could go wrong, he backs off.

Apollo springs up. “Jesus fucking Christ.” He stalks out of the crypt.

Cass lets out a sigh, picks up Apollo’s camera, and shrugs at us before trotting out after him.

Silence filters down between Rube and me for long minutes before I let out a sigh and rub my eyelids. “Sure about this?” I ask quietly.

“Of course,” Reuben says. “She’s…”

“What, Rube?” My next sigh is exasperated. “What is she?”

He taps his thumbs against the side of his knees and then slowly looks up at me. “She’s one of us.”

Chapter Eleven


I make sure I’m awake before the first bell rings. While I was slaving away in the laundry yesterday afternoon, I had a lot of time to think.

I meant what I said to Perry.

This place is all I have.

So I’ve got to make this work. Fuck knows how, but if I’m going to spend a good three or four years here, I need to make peace with the natives.

Starting today.

I run a hand through my curls as I sit up in bed. It was too cold to sleep in my usual pajamas—cotton boxers and a vest—so I put on a sweater before crawling under the covers.

Jasper shoves away his blanket with a groan and then swings his legs over the side of the bed and yawns. When he sees me staring at him, he freezes.

“What?” he snaps, going to get his clothes from his closet.

“Did I tell you I’m thinking about becoming a teacher?”

Jasper scratches his hip without answering. He yanks out a pair of clothes and tosses them to the bed. I guess he’s not going to shower this morning. Though, from the smell of sweat rolling off him, he really should.

I’d still love to know what he did to get himself stuck with me as a roommate. But that’ll come in time. Right after I turn him into my BFF.

“Thing is, I was homeschooled,” I go on as I start untangling my curls with my fingers. “I’ve never really had anyone to practice on.”

Jasper’s shoes thump to the floor, and he slips them on without bothering to put on socks first.

“Boo for you,” he mutters, and exits the room in his trunks and vest.

I guess he’s used to the cold.

“Fuck,” I mutter to myself.

Guess he’s not a morning person. Well, at least I planted the seed. I’ll try again at breakfast.

Should I shower before school starts?

Jasper left the door open. Half-dressed boys of all ages stream this way and that across the hall, some with towels slung over their shoulders.

I sniff at my pits and shrug. At least I don’t smell as bad as Jasper.

Father Gabriel leads us in prayer at the chapel. Since I got here early, I had my choice of seats. I didn’t want anyone creeping up on me again, so I’m sitting near the front. This way Gabriel can watch over me.

But as soon as the provost is done addressing the school and reading today’s scripture, he walks off stage. Not even a glance in my direction. It’s like he’s forgotten all about me.

I hesitate for a second, and then hurry after him before I Copyright 2016 - 2024