The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,172

front entrance of Saint Amos, a fact I reluctantly laid out to my brothers as we began piecing together what had happened this morning.

None of them reacted like I’d expected when I told them what Zach had done. Cass just stared, and Apollo let out a rueful snort like I’d told him he lost a bet he hadn’t been expecting to win anyway.

I don’t even know if he’s still here at Saint Amos. We’d know when we go to the garage. And that’ll be soon, because we have to leave.

That much we’ve decided on at least.

But where do we go? Anywhere past Redwater could be taking us further away from Trinity, from Gabriel. And we’d have no way of knowing.

We tried everything. Searched every record of Gabriel and Trinity’s in the admin office. All we found were dead ends. Gabriel had cleaned house.

I don’t blame Zach for hiding. I would too if I got a message like the one I sent him earlier.


I didn’t have to ask the others. I know they feel the same. Apollo’s chewed his nails to the quick. I’m surprised Cass hasn’t passed out from oxygen deprivation from chain-smoking.

They’re fucked.

We’re fucked.

And Zach did nothing. He just stood there and watched. For all we know, he helped Gabriel carry Trinity to his damn car. Maybe even wished him well as Gabriel sped off.

“Might as well head to Redwater,” I say, standing. “Nothing more we can do here.”

“I’ll get Cass,” Apollo says, turning.

I go to put Trinity’s bible on the coffee table, but then hesitate.

I should take it with.

If we find her, I want to give it back to her.

Not if. When.



“What were you reading?” Apollo asks.

I frown at him. “Nothing specific.”

“I mean…” Apollo rolls his eyes. “Read it to me.” He lifts his shoulders.

“You want me to read to you from the bible?” I know my frown is deep, but Apollo looks hurt at my expression.

“Well, yeah.” He flicks his hand. “Wanna know what it says.”

I turn my head a little to the side. “It’s the bible,” I repeat. “It says a lot.”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “Never mind then,” he mutters and heads for the door. Apollo’s never once shown an interest in religion. Spirituality, maybe, when he’s high. But that’s always been a more Universal Mind thing.

I didn’t even stop for a moment to think what he and Cass are going through right now. How losing Trinity, then Gabriel, then Zach, affected them.

I clear my throat, and Apollo pauses by the door. Quickly scanning the page, I pick the first verse that stands on its own.

“Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea. And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and—”

Apollo cuts me off with a wave of his hand. “Stop, stop. What use is that?”

“What were you expecting?” I ask, sitting back, closing the book, and putting it down on the cushion beside me. “A map?”

“Something inspiring,” he says. “Not random—” He waves his hand again. “Forget it. I’ll go find Cass and meet you at the garage.”

I shake my head, letting out a long sigh as he closes the door behind him. Something inspiring?

I should have flipped to Revelations instead, read him chapter twenty verse ten.

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Maybe knowing that God had special plans for our Ghosts once they passed over would have inspired him.

My apartment door bursts open.

Apollo stands there in the doorway, hair disheveled, eyes wide.

I’m already on my feet, ready to attack whoever’s behind him. But he just grins at me, claps his hands.

“I love that fucking book!” he yells, pointing at Trinity’s gold-trimmed bible.


He waves away the question, beckoning me to follow him. “We have to get to town, now!”

“Apollo, what—”

“I know how to find her, Rube!” His grin is infectious, especially paired with the exact words I’ve been waiting to hear all day.

I know how to find her.

Chapter Ten


“Wifi password,” I bark out at the first waitress I see.

Her head moves back as she gives me a filthy stare, then she clicks her tongue. “All right,” she says. “Settle down.” Still frowning, she points with her chin. “Where you sitting?”

I’m about to frisk her for the damn password when someone’s shoulder brushes Copyright 2016 - 2024