The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,150

fucking mind.

Zachary rubs Reuben’s cock through my folds faster and faster, his thumb dipping inside me on each pass. Teasing me until it feels like I’m already coming undone.

Hands grab my wrists. Cass and Apollo urge my nails out of Reuben’s muscles. And I let them, because Reuben’s kiss is melting every last shred of resistance.

My fingers brush the softest, warmest skin. I hesitate, almost recoil, but then I feel a mouth on my inner thigh.

Oh fuck.



My eyes flutter open and I dare to peek down as Reuben’s tongue slips into my mouth.

Zachary’s shirt is off. Possibly his pants too—my eyes are blurring with lust and passion and whatever crazy spell they’ve put me under.

Zachary kisses the top of my knee. My inner thigh. When he leans closer, his body heat sends an electric ripple through me.

I gasp into Reuben’s mouth as Zachary grazes the sensitive flesh of my inner thigh with his teeth.

Working his way up.


Toward my exposed pussy. My bared clit. All the while stroking me with the dripping-wet crown of Reuben’s cock.

So when Apollo and Cass urge me to grab hold of their dicks…

They groan in tandem as I wrap my fingers around them.

Hard. Fucking hard.

And just how Zachary guides Reuben’s cock over my pussy, they show me how to touch them. How fast to stroke them.

I’m aching and throbbing and panting like a fucking animal before Zachary’s mouth even comes close to my pussy.

When he holds Reuben’s cock out of the way and swipes his tongue over the entire length of my pussy, I buck against his mouth like a woman possessed.

Yeah, fuck, I must have the Devil inside me right now.

What the hell else is there to explain why, when Zachary reaches the top of my pussy and flicks his warm, wet tongue against my clit, I force myself against his mouth hard enough to make myself come?

I’m so lost in my own climax, I barely notice that I’m gripping Cass and Apollo hard enough to make one curse me, and the other come.

Warm cum trickles down the back of my hand when my eyes flutter open a second later.

Cass eases my fingers off his dick, muttering something about keeping me the hell away from him. Apollo, on the other hand, ducks forward and steals my mouth from Reuben. Then he makes my hand move harder, faster.

“Fuck,” he murmurs, breaking off our kiss.

And then he leans back from me, a wicked grin sliding off his face as he urges my movements to slow. His gaze flickers to Zachary, and then down to my pussy.

Another silent command.

One I understand when Zachary ducks down and sucks my clit into his mouth.

I gasp as blissful agony shoots through me. I shove a hand in Zachary’s hair, only realizing a second later that it’s still covered with Cass’s cum. But then nothing matters anymore, because I’m pushing Zachary’s mouth harder against my clit as I buck up to meet him.

While Apollo uses my hand for his own pleasure. His groan comes seconds before he does, and then that hand is coated with his cum too.

Zachary nips me with his teeth, and another climax comes charging toward me. A gasp rattles through me as I arch my back, fully expecting another spectacular orgasm to tear through me.

Instead, he moves his mouth away and shoves a finger inside me.

“She’s ready,” he says.

He looks up at me, and for possibly the first time ever, a genuine smile spreads his lips.

“This will hurt more than anything you’ve ever felt,” he says. “But you’re going to bear it, because he fucking loves you. Hear me?”

My heart stutters a beat.

Reuben relaxes the arm he’s had slung around my throat the past eternity and instead grabs a breast, squeezing it mercilessly in his strong hand. I whimper, turning confused eyes on him.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, and then nuzzles his face into my hair. “I should have said something.”


I can’t even.

It doesn’t make sense.

We’ve only…like…

I go limp.

I can’t fight this anymore. It would take another three of me to even try. I just don’t have it in me.

“Hmm,” Zachary murmurs and then goes back to his knees. “I liked it better when you were fighting.”

Then he slaps the inside of my thigh with a hand. I gasp, but barely flinch.

“You come once and you’re useless after?” he says. “That’s not good enough, Trin.”

He ducks down, scraping his teeth over my skin hard enough to leave behind ridges. I squirm, but that’s all I have the energy for. Copyright 2016 - 2024