The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,137

say quietly, my shoulders sagging.

Reuben nods. “We’re a package deal, Trinity.”

My brain instantly rejects the thought. “But—”

He puts a finger on my lips. “That’s why I didn’t stop you when you left. It’s always too complicated. Girls like things simple.” His dark eyes flash. “We’re not.”

Understatement of the fucking century.

He stands and gets ready to leave, putting his rosary around his neck, buttoning up his shirt again.

Well fuck this. I’m not leaving empty-handed.

“Apollo said you found something in Gabriel’s files.”

Reuben pauses as if considering my statement, and then nods just once.

“Can you tell me what it is?”

He goes to his haunches in front of me and watches me for a moment as if he’s trying to figure out how sincere I’m being.

“That’s the thing with us, Trinity. You’re either with us, or you’re against us.” He smiles, not unkindly, and traces my bottom lip with his thumb. “There’s no in-between.”

Chapter Thirty-Six


My last student files out of the door seconds before Reuben steps into my class. I happen to glance up, and do a double take when I see him.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I widen my eyes at him as I hurry past to force the door closed faster than the hydraulic normally allows. “Did anyone see you?”

Reuben doesn’t have a class with me, and I’ve made a point of not associating with him in the dorms. Cass being the hallway monitor gives us a little more leeway, but this…?

“You weren’t checking your phone,” he says, not even seeming apologetic for contravening our strict guidelines. “It’s important.”

“So what is it?” I ask, and then duck my head forward when nothing changes on his stony face. “Well?”

“Trinity came to see me. Wants to know what we found.”

“And?” I cross my arms over my chest. “What did you say?”

“What you told me to.” He shrugs. “But it’s been hours. I don’t think it worked.”

“Of course it did,” I tell him, pushing the words through my teeth as I head back to my desk. This was my last lesson of the day—I was on my way to pack up and head back to my room. I shove my handbook in my drawer and remove my cell phone. There are a handful of notifications on the screen—so many that most of them are crowded out. The last few are from Reuben. “So what’s so urgent it couldn’t wait?”

“We’re running out of time for your games. Why can’t we just tell her about—?”

“Why are you risking everything coming here to argue over something we’ve already discussed?” I shove the phone in my pocket and head for the door. “The decision’s been made. Now get out before someone sees you.”

I turn, my hand on the door handle, to see if he has any last words before we exit the classroom. His eyes narrow, but that’s the extent of irritation he ever shows.

Reuben’s like an iceberg, though—what you see on the surface is only a tenth of what’s lurking below. If he looks this annoyed, he’s close to a meltdown.

“We have until Friday,” I tell him, my words exiting with a sigh. “Trinity will come around by then.”

“But if we just told her—”

My hand tightens on the handle, but I force my voice to remain at the same level. “Then what, Reuben? She’ll trust us? Trust requires proof, belief doesn’t. You want her to trust us? I want her to have faith in us like she should have from the beginning.”

“Blind faith?” he asks.

“Best kind there is.”

He opens his mouth, possibly to carry on arguing, but cuts off when the door opens under my hand. I take a hasty step back so it won’t crash into me, my heart doing acrobatics at the thought of who was about to walk in on Reuben and me.

Apollo’s blond head peeks around the door, his eyes going wide when he sees me, and then wider still when he sees Rube. “Thank fuck I found you,” he says.

“The hell are you doing here?” I whisper furiously.

“It’s important, and you weren’t answering your—”

I grab him by his shirt and drag him inside, closing and locking the door behind him. “Christ, what the fuck has gotten into you two?” I turn on them, but don’t get a word out.

Apollo’s very rarely serious, but right now he could be running for fucking president.

“What?” I bark out.

“I started searching manually through everything Trinity copied. I just found a bunch of emails,” he says, voice wooden. His mouth twitches as he starts nibbling on Copyright 2016 - 2024