The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,130

here? Did he decide to get the data himself? I turn, scanning the room through the door crack. The bed looks rumpled, and my stomach sinks.

Did they…?

Oh my God.

But then I spot the laptop on the dining table, lid closed, plugged in. I put a hand on my dress pocket. Apollo gave me back the drive just before we went our separate ways. He said I’d done everything right, but that the copy wasn’t complete. Luckily, it wouldn’t start from scratch—the device would check which files were already copied.

Five minutes, Apollo said.

Five minutes should do it.

I turn back to Zachary and Gabriel. They’re both so tense, it’s impossible to tell who’s mad at whom. Seeing them side-by-side, I can’t say which one would win in a fight. Gabriel has a good fifteen years on Zachary, but he’s much more muscular than the younger man. I know Zachary’s strong but is he strong enough?

If they started fighting…could I slip in and copy the files while they were distracted? I could hide under the tablecloth—it almost reaches the floor.

That’s a big if.

Especially since now they both seem to be relaxing a little. Weighing each other up.

I can’t imagine what’s going through Zachary’s mind, facing his nemesis like this.

I’d be terrified.

I don’t know if I moved at just the right moment, but something makes Zachary look straight at me through the crack in the door.

His eyes flicker, but that’s literally the only reason I have to think that he saw me.

“You’re right,” he says, pushing away from the wall. Gabriel stands his ground as he comes closer. My lungs are about to burst how I’m holding my breath. “I’m a sinner, Gabriel. Just like you.”

Oh, God. What is he doing?

Zachary grabs Gabriel’s shoulder. Gabriel doesn’t even flinch.

“I guess even penance couldn’t change that.”

Zachary makes as if to walk past Gabriel, his hand slipping from Gabriel’s shoulder. The priest turns to follow.

Putting his back to me.


Zachary must have come to the same conclusion I did. But now I’m too terrified to move.

Do it, Trinity. Do it!

Just a few yards, then you’re under the table cloth. Gabriel won’t see you—he’s completely fixated on—

Zachary’s eyes slide past Gabriel and his lips twitch with what I’ve come to recognize as suppressed anger.

Wondering why I’m not moving. Why I’m wussing out like the pathetic wimp I am.

Despite what Apollo thinks—what I made him think—I didn’t come here to steal Gabriel’s private files. I came to confront him about that photo, the one that’s been plaguing me since I laid eyes on it.

But now it feels like stealing the files is the only reason I’m here. Like this was fated from the moment I set foot in Saint Amos.

Gabriel must have seen Zachary’s gaze shift. He turns to look behind his shoulder.

Zachary snarls.

My stomach folds in on itself like a poor attempt at a souffle.

No. No! Don’t—

Zachary grabs Gabriel’s jaw and wrenches the older man’s head back to face them.

And kisses him.

My skin goes ice-cold, but the jolt of panicked adrenaline that spikes through me is enough to get me moving.

I push open the door, slip through, and pause just long enough to close it again. Then I’m scampering silently over the carpet. I rush under the table cloth and almost knock my head against one of the table legs in my hurry to conceal myself.

I squat there for a moment, trying to muffle my too-fast breathing.

I shouldn’t have bothered.

There’s a soft sound a few feet away. Something whisking against leather, maybe.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

What the hell am I going to see when I emerge from this table cloth?

I push away the thought before it can debilitate me. I take the drive out of my pocket and uncap it, then steel myself with an unsteady breath.



I slowly peek out from under the tablecloth. I’m close to the wall. Zachary and Gabriel were at least a yard or so behind me, to the right. I peer around the side of the tablecloth trying not to disturb it.

I see their legs and hurriedly retract into the safety of the tablecloth.

Shit. They’re too close.

But I can’t wait any longer. If I can slip the drive in without being seen, then I can probably just leave. Maybe Zachary can pull it out when—

He’s done fucking Gabriel?

I squeeze my eyes shut.

Fuck it, Trinity. Focus.

When he’s done.

Breathe in. Out.

Much better.

I duck out from under the tablecloth, letting it drape my shoulders as I go to my knees. The chair Gabriel was using is in Copyright 2016 - 2024