The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,12

keeping my voice casual.

“Let me confirm.” She lifts a finger, giving me another honey-sweet smile. Then she turns her head a little and calls out, “Sister? When does Father Gabriel leave?”

“Thursday afternoon,” a voice replies from one of the rooms branching off this reception area.

“And her file?” I ask. “When are you expecting it?”

Stella turns back to me. Her shrug is nearly invisible beneath her habit. “I’ll let you know as soon as it comes in. But I doubt there’ll be a transcript. Probably a few report cards and her family history. She was homeschooled, you know?”

“I’m aware,” I murmur. “Thank you, Sister.”

How long will I have to keep Cassius in check? I refuse to make a move until I know how she fits into all of this. From the sounds of things, she was brought here by the provost himself.

I’m not okay with an innocent being caught up in the fray. We planned this so there would be no collateral damage.

Our window of opportunity is closing. Fast.

And there will never be another chance like this.

Chapter Six


“Hey, wake up!”

I scramble to a sit, blinking hard as I try to focus.

Jasper’s leaning over my cot. He’s dressed in his school clothes. The last time I saw him he’d been wearing athletic shorts and a vest.

That had been yesterday afternoon.

“What time is it?”

“Didn’t you hear the bell? It’s breakfast,” he snaps. “We all say prayers before. They won’t let you lie in unless you’re sick. Are you sick?”

I wish I could have convinced him I was. But the only thing wrong with me is the sudden conviction I’ve lost my freaking mind. I slept right through dinner? No wonder my stomach feels like a black hole.

I’d been planning to take a quick nap. After all, no one had told me what I was supposed to do after I finished Calculus, my last class of the day. Jasper must have come to bed at some stage, but I don’t remember that at all.

What I do remember is how tongue-tied I’d been at meeting my Psychology teacher. I guess he’s not too young to be a teacher, but he’s definitely too good looking. How is anyone supposed to concentrate?

Maybe that’s why he chose to teach at an all-boys school.

Jasper scans my rumpled cardigan and jeans. “You can’t wear that.”

“Yeah, God, I know.”

“You can’t say that.”

“You know what?” I hop off the cot, so close to him I could knee him in the groin if I wanted. And dear Lord, how I want to.

“You can’t tell me what to do.” I poke his chest.

“If you don’t obey the rules, I get punished,” Jasper says, tilting his head. “Think I like getting lashes? No one likes getting lashes.” He spins around, yanks open his closet, and tears a set of clothes from one of his hangers.

I don’t have time—or space—to move out of the way. He shoves the bundle of fabric against my chest so hard I stumble back and end up sitting on my bed.

It creaks.

I scowl up at Jasper.

He glares back.

“Put that on and haul butt to the chapel outside.” He points at me. “And don’t you dare try to sit next to me.”

With that, he’s gone.

I throw on Jasper’s clothes and hurry into the hall but he’s nowhere in sight. This hallway only has two exits, both with staircases. I pick the east side, and sprint down the hall before thumping down the stairs two at a time.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I spot Jasper turning the corner.

Jogging after him, I try and neaten my clothes on the way.

His shirt is too tight around my breasts, but not if I keep the top three buttons open and use his tie to cover my cleavage. His pants are tight around my ass. I’m hoping I can sit down without splitting them.

The outfit looks ridiculous with my ballerina pumps—there’d been no time to change those—but at least I only have to turn up the hems once so I don’t step on them.

My hair is a train wreck. It’s super curly on a good day, and I must have been rolling around in my sleep last night because now it’s a tangled mess. Even trying to get the elastic band out of it brings tears to my eyes, so I decide to leave it in.

At least I’m wearing a uniform. Now Jasper can stop fantasizing about being whipped because I’m in jeans.

I arrive at the downstairs hallway alone with no roommate in sight.

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