The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,72

head fell on my lap, muscles unbinding as adrenaline leeched out. “We have to be careful from now on. Protect our lockers, our bags, and our dorms. And, Em, we will find him.”

I stilled. The adrenaline did not leave him. It collected in Royal’s eyes, transforming into a harder, colder promise.

“And when I do, you won’t hold me back.”

“When you do... I won’t try to.”

Royal nodded. Once. We understood each other.

Both of us stayed in the pavilion until our sweat cooled and calm returned to our limbs. The bell rang forcing us inside. Royal walked me to my locker, the two of us silent, consumed by our thoughts.

I unlatched my locker to an unwelcome sight. A note from the blackmailer topped my sociology textbook. I read the demand for another thousand dollars and flung it across the hall. A seed was taking root in my soul. Torn apart by seeking tendrils that twisted, entwined, and knotted as they burrowed too deep to be removed. I didn’t know what this seed was or how it would come to matter, but I knew something had changed, and I welcomed it.

Royal and I stepped into Geske’s classroom. Our teacher’s conversation with Officer Ramadi and her partner ended.

“Royal Cruz?”

“That’s me.”

“Come with us, please.” Her hand moved to her cuffs. Her partner’s moved to his holster. “We have some questions for you.”

Royal touched my arm, sensing I was ready to blow.

“I don’t answer questions. I’m known for that around here. Call up my lawyer. He loves that shit.”

Lines tightened around her mouth. “No need for lawyers. This is a simple, painless conversation. Let’s not make it more difficult than that.”

“Handcuffs for a simple, painless conversation?” Royal almost sounded like he was enjoying himself.

“It’s procedure.”

When you’re dealing with Horsemen went unsaid.

The kind, caring officer that swore she’d punish Eli’s attackers, cuffed my smirking Angel and marched him out of class.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS.” It was Camila’s turn to pace the carpet. “Someone put drugs in our rooms. They pawed through my stuff!? What the hell?!”

“It’s awful.”

I clutched my phone in my lap, willing Royal to call. Classes relentlessly plowed on but Royal did not make an appearance. At lunch I went to the office to ask Headmistress Hart where he was. Mallory turned me away saying she was in a closed meeting and would not be disturbed. It was a safe bet to say Royal was in there with her, but what did that mean?

Why did Ramadi come for him? Did Royal miss a hiding place? Were they in there discussing the process of arraignment?

I would not let them take him. If it came to it, I’d spill everything including the order from Rio that started us down this path. Losing Royal after just getting him back was not an option.

All day Hiro, Cassius, Clay, and I waited for him to stride through the door. The end-of-class bell finally forced me to my dorm to wait with my phone.

“Why would anyone do this?” Camila asked. “I would’ve been kicked out. Lost my acceptance. And my brothers... The law doesn’t go easy on poor guys covered in gang tats. This was beyond cruel, Ember. This is the act of someone who hates you.” She came to a standstill. “Do you think it was Leo?”

I broke from my screen. “I didn’t... until now. Leo would take it to this level. I don’t underestimate that guy for a second.”

“We should tell the police.” Camila closed on the handle.

“Tell them what? They let him off a charge when there were witnesses. This time we have nothing.”

“Ugh,” she cried. “Whether there is proof or not. Whether Leo is behind this or not. His free days slinking around the halls are over.”

“What you were working on,” I began. “Are you finished?”


“That’s great, Camila.”

“It’ll be great if it works.”

A knock interrupted us. Camila opened the door on Royal leaning against the doorframe. Alone. Relaxed. Uncuffed.

“Royal!” I vaulted off the bed and threw myself in his arms. My head stuck out the door and I saw Clay, Cassius, and Hiro behind him. Royal brought me inside and we sat down on my chair.

“I had you worried,” he said.

“Of course you did.” I whacked his arm. “Why didn’t you call?”

“I just shook Hart loose.”

“What happened? You were gone all day.”

“He was right about a setup,” Hiro said. “An anonymous call hit the police saying that he was dealing drugs.”

“They found nothing,” Royal confirmed, “but they couldn’t let the day go to waste without questioning me. Copyright 2016 - 2024