The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,7

eyes snapped open. Rio spoke into his phone, sipping nonchalantly on my favorite drink.

“Hmm. I see. Why would I do that?”

I slid off the seat, body drawn to the phone and the boy on the other end, relaying my fate.

“I will be there,” he said. “Let’s not start that up again. You’ve proven yourself capable.” Rio latched on to me and held me frozen. “I’m told I’m responsible for the man you’ve become and, if that’s the case, I’m proud. I can think of no one else who could have pulled off what you did today.”

Proud? Capable? No one else could have pulled it off? Did that mean—

“Up, my dear.” Rio got up and hooked our arms like when I first entered the auto shop. “Time to go.”

I threw a look at the triplets, half out of their seats and wearing heavy looks that must have matched mine. “I don’t understand.”

“Your uncle saw it was in his best interest to agree to our simple transaction. He’s got the money and will drop it at Oleander Park just as it closes,” he explained as he led me out of the office and across the concrete floor. “Royal is there now to ensure he doesn’t make an unwise decision to call the cops and try to move them into the park before the drop.”

My head was spinning. Harrison Bancroft, my uncle, had agreed to pay the ransom and Rio was taking me to the Estate instead of the alley that would be my resting place?

Digging my heels, I pulled him up short just outside of the garage. The sun abandoned the town of Raven River hours ago, leaving us to fend off the creatures that went bump in the night. “This is a fucking trick to make me get in the car quietly,” I bit out. Yanking on his hold, I screeched, “Get off me!”

“Easy.” The flickering bulb shown and hid, shown and hid the gun held on me in the gloom. “If that was my aim, I could have easily shot you in the garage and had your body carried out. This is not a trick. Feel free to call my son and confirm.” The barrel stuck in my ribs. “Only my son.”

I got my phone and dialed Royal. He answered before the second ring.

“What’s going on?” I asked before he could speak. “Are my aunt and uncle truly paying the ransom?”

“One hundred grand. Oleander Park. Nine thirty tonight,” he said. “You’re good, Cherry, so don’t make it worse. Rio’s bringing you to the park, the money will be put in the trash, and I’ll get it. Once it’s in his hand, he’ll let you out of the car and it’s all over.”


“No buts. And whatever you’re thinking of doing—don’t.” I’d never heard him so serious. “You can handle me, Cherry, but you can’t handle Rio.”

“Your father,” I hissed. “How could you not tell me?”

“I said there were a lot of things you didn’t know about me.”

The bastard hung up.

“A knife-wielding car thief wasn’t enough,” I flung at Rio. “You also had to raise him to be fucking infuriating.”

Rio laughed, gripping my hand again like we were a couple taking a stroll. “I must admit you’re not what I expected, Ember Bancroft. It would have pained me to kill you. Thankfully, we can set that unpleasant business aside.”

Reasonable intelligence and the lack of a death wish kept me from socking him in the jaw. His refined gentleman act set my teeth on edge for the costume it was. Rio was desperate to portray himself as no different from a Ravener, but thousand-dollar watches and expensive coats couldn’t mask the deadly, albeit clever, beast inside.

We didn’t speak on the drive to the gates. Rio’s car was simple, black, and understated on the outside. A car whose description wouldn’t stand out to the police. On the inside, it boasted the sleek finishes of the best tech, touch screens, and plush seats that cradled me in false security.

Rio rolled to a stop next to the guard station. His gun was stashed in the pocket on the door and his affable smile slid in place in time with the falling window. “Gregory, good to see you. How are the kids?”

“Eating me out of house and home.” The guard’s girth jiggled at my eye level. This was my chance to yell, scream, bring the cops down on Rio’s head like a grand piano in a Saturday morning cartoon.

“Ember Bancroft and Rio Cruz.”

I let the chance pass. Copyright 2016 - 2024