The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,55

like they do every freaking weekend. This stuff is going to be legal soon anyway.”

“It’d be legal already but the government’s still figuring out how to make money off of it.”

Harley threw up his hands. “That’s what I keep saying!”

Of course he did. He told Mr. Jennings as much during our class discussion on youth in our society. He made an impassioned speech about us being informed like never before.

Who’d you get it from?” I was no actress, but I hoped I was doing a good job keeping my tone light. “I heard there’s a hook-up on campus, but everyone hates me.” I laughed. “No one will tell me who it is.”

Major dropped his voice. “No one knows who it is. It’s like covert ops texting this random number and getting our stuff from a different locker every time.”

“But you don’t have to worry.” Harley draped his arm around my shoulder. “We’re happy to share.”

I forced a smile. This guy was all over me like we were down here for a threesome.

“But you might not need us.” Major took a long drag. “You’re in the best position to settle a bet.”

“A bet?” I repeated. “What are you talking about?”

“The dealers.” He shrugged. “It’s gotta be the Angels. Who else could it be?”

“What?” I slipped out from under Harley’s arm. “Why would you think that?”

“Because they came in here and said dealing wasn’t allowed on this campus.” Major passed the blunt to Harley. “That’s what gangs do. They take over territory and drive out the competition.”

“Plus, Hiro is the only one who can get stuff like that through the gates,” Harley added.

“Ask them. I bet they’ll tell you now that you’re their girl.”

Wow, that information was getting around.

“I’ve got fifty bucks on it being Hiro,” said Harley. “Major thinks it’s Cassius.”

“Because he leaves campus every month,” Major explained. “He must be doing something shady.”

Visiting his mentally ill mother and going to a clinic to check on his health.

Harley held it out for me. “Ask them and I bet they’ll give it up.”

I ignored his outstretched hand. “I can’t because it’s not them. You can spread that around to anyone else who has it twisted.”

They shared confused looks.

“Bye, guys,” I said, backing away. “The party is missing me.”

“What?” Harley cried. “But I thought we were—”

“You thought wrong, friend.”

And so did I. These guys don’t know a thing and if I asked the dealer’s other customers, neither will they.

This guy has everyone texting an unknown number and rooting through empty lockers. He was too clever and it irritated me. I told the Angels I had my own reasons for wanting this guy shut down. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Leo, Brynn, and their buddies got the roofies they used on Camila from him.

Brandon asked how students on this campus could feel safe after they let Leo go. The answer was they couldn’t. Not with him or anyone else with dark intent running around with a direct line to roofies whenever they wanted them.

Camila was at the party when I returned. Relief washed over her face and she waved me over to her, Brandon, and Craig.

“I’m so glad you’re here. Brandon and Craig are challenging my movie knowledge for twenty bucks and no one has seen more movies than you.”

“Incorrect,” said Brandon. “I have seen more movies. Boys against girls, Walker. Let’s do this.”

“Just don’t cry when we beat you.”

I relaxed, settling into a fun, simple time with my friends. Hopefully Hiro turned up more than I did.


Royal and I walked to his dorm after classes Monday evening. We took the long way around, strolling through the soccer field.

“Hiro is sure the dealer isn’t getting drugs in the same way,” Royal finished.

“Am I ever going to find out what this secret delivery method is?”

“Ask him yourself.”

“I got a big ‘fuck you’ the last time I did.”

“It’s different now. He doesn’t feel that way about you.”

I looked up at him. “How does he feel?”

“You can ask him that too.”

“Fine,” I sighed. “We’ll see who is right about the response I have coming my way.”

Royal chuckled. “I got you this.” He shrugged off his bag and fished out a sheaf of papers. “Damien slipped it through the fence between third and fourth period. Full list of the victims.”

“This couldn’t come quick enough.” I immediately began flipping through. Full names, addresses, and the amounts stolen from the victims inked on stark white paper. I recognized a few names on the first scan. “I dropped Copyright 2016 - 2024