The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,32

my ears, blocking everything out as Leonardo Tremaine climbed the stairs.

Leo climbed the stairs holding a breakfast tray.

He climbed the stairs with his breakfast and in full uniform.

He climbed the stairs with his breakfast, uniform neat and pressed, and backpack hanging off his shoulders.

He climbed the stairs, ready for his first day back to school, looked me right in the eyes, and winked.

Leonardo Tremaine climbed the stairs of the senior loft and two things happened at once.

Camila clapped her hands over her mouth, tears springing to her red eyes. And Cassius and Clay launched over their table, tackling him just as the smirk wiped off his face and his tray hit the floor.

Chapter Four

The loft devolved into complete pandemonium. Seniors were screaming, shouting, and either trying to get near the fight or get away from it.

Leonardo and his disgusting wink disappeared in a sea of bodies. His Ravener friends ran to help him. A few OB kids ran to pull Cassius and Clay off, and others just ran.

Camila sprang up, cheeks soaked, and pushed through the throng to reach her brothers. I was right on her heels.

We shoved Fiona and Remington aside and broke through the circle. Beau, Wilder, Nolan, and Julian pulled the guys apart. Beau and Wilder struggled to hold on to the triplets. It took four more guys to stop them launching at Leo. The same number of officers that had to hold them back as they arrested Leo.

The filthy winking piece of garbage probably wished those officers were here to protect him. His blazer was torn at the shoulder. Blood dripped from his nose and lip, collecting in a growing stain on his bleached white shirt.

Roaring, Clay threw off three guys. “You don’t fucking eat here!” Clay snatched his pancake off the floor and smashed it in Leo’s face before the guys grabbed him again. “Get out! You’re not anywhere my sister is, you rapist fuck!”

“I didn’t touch her!” Leo screamed. “Bancroft lied! The bitch fucking lied!”

Cassius got free. He dove for Leo who almost knocked his friends on their asses scrambling away. Camila shot in front of him, halting Cassius in his tracks better than anyone else could. She threw her arms around him, sobbing into his chest.

“They were stupid not to lock your ass up, but not as stupid as you for coming back here,” Cassius snarled. “From now on, you don’t eat in this cafeteria. You don’t walk in the same hall as Cam. You don’t sit in the same class! Am I fucking clear?!”

Julian bared his teeth. “Fuck off. No one is scared—”

“What was that?” Clay knocked one of his captors down launching at Julian. They were red-faced and grunting holding him back. “What the fuck did you say, Hart? Did someone tell you to open your mouth?!”

I was stuck to the spot. Kids jostled me and the crowd only grew as underclassmen ran up the stairs. The Cassius and Clay before me were men I’d never met before.

Clay got his hand free and pointed at Julian. “You’ve got a lesson in respect coming your way, bitch, and you’ll get it after we’ve taken care of that shit and Ives!”

Nolan jumped, eyes bulging, and whipping his head around like he couldn’t understand why he was included.

“Say something else!” Clay dared.

Julian looked like he wouldn’t say anything else for the rest of his life. He flushed so pale his silver hair appeared white, but contempt chilled his icy blues and roused me to move.

“Clay, please.” I reached through his shield and cupped his cheek. “Camila needs you right now.”

Camila’s cries only backed me up.

Julian bit off a curse and grabbed hold of Leo. He and Nolan took him downstairs.

“You’re a ghost, Tremaine,” Cassius barked. “A fucking ghost!”

“What is going on?!” a teacher shouted way too late. “Break it up. All of you get to class now!”

Clay growled at the guys with their hands on him. “If you don’t fuck off—”

They released him before he finished his threat. I held my breath as he bore down on me. Raw power charged the air and automatically set off my base instincts of fight, flight, or freeze. I went with freeze. I wasn’t frightened—more like I was so turned on, I was worried if I moved, my clenched thighs would betray me and I’d fall flat on my face.

Taking hold of my chin, Clay pulled me in for a kiss that set fire to the last of my self-control. It was hot and brutal and perfect Copyright 2016 - 2024