Sinners' Playground (The Harlequin Crew #1) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,96

job to run, so you can't stay out here. I need you to come inside so that I can lock up."

"'re telling me that you're going out and you intend to lock me in the damn house while you're gone? I can't even sunbathe?" I made no effort to hide the disgust in my tone and Fox shrugged.

"Well, you've already proven that you're a flight risk. After that shit down at the beach, I'm inclined to think you're best off behind locked doors where I can be sure you're safe." He flexed his fist, glancing off to my left like he always used to when he was trying to hide something and I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

"I can look after myself, Badger," I hissed. "I've been doing it for a hell of a long time."

"And look where that got you - half dead in a shallow grave. You do understand that, right? You're literally only alive because that asshole you were fucking didn't do a better job of finishing you off." Fox looked seriously pissed off at the thought of me screwing someone else and for once we were in agreement because fuck Shawn. But also, fuck Fox, so whatever.

I wanted to get right up in his face, but I refused to flash him my bare body, so I was stuck glaring where I was, but that wasn't going to hold me back.

"Oh I'm perfectly aware that if the great Fox Harlequin wanted me dead, I'd find the job much more thorough. No doubt you'd take me out on your boat and toss me to the sharks when you were done too. Just like Daddy used to."

"Don't knock it until you've tried it, love. I have the practice down to an art form now – the key is plenty of chum. And don't go thinking that I'm going to keep letting you get away with your shit. You're on lockdown until further notice. Unless you wanna give me that name so that I can eliminate the threat against you?" He cocked his head like he was waiting for an answer and I reached out to snatch the shirt I'd worn to bed from the floor beside my sun lounger so that I could get to my feet and rip him a new asshole.

Fox smirked like he thought he'd won something and strode away from me to let me get dressed. I yanked the shirt over my head, forcing my arms through the holes and ignoring the rich, cedar scent of it which marked it out as his. He was so freaking big that I could wear the damn thing like a dress, so as I stalked inside behind him, my ass was at least covered.

"Don't walk away from me, asshole," I yelled as I strode after him and JJ looked up from the lunch he was eating at the kitchen island.

"Guys," he said placatingly. "Can we just try to-"

"Did it ever occur to you that I want to off that motherfucker myself?" I demanded of Fox's muscular back as he opened the fridge and grabbed his protein shake out of the door.

"If you wanna be the one to pull the trigger then fine," Fox said. "Give me a name and I'll have fun with him for a couple of days. Then when I'm done, you can come on in and blow his brains out. You can even wear a tiara and play the part of the vengeful queen."

"You know, I still remember when we were fifteen and I punched you hard enough to give you a black eye and made you beg for mercy while I pinned you beneath me," I hissed. "I've beaten the great Fox Harlequin before now and I sure as fuck can go after my ex without needing him served up on a fucking platter."

"If you're referring to the time that you fought me for the right to pick what movie we were gonna sneak into down at the plaza, I think you're remembering it wrong. Did I let you jump all over me and pin me to the ground between your thighs? Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that little encounter served a far greater purpose than letting you pick a dumb movie. I'd been aching to get between your legs for a long time and I was perfectly happy to let you think you'd beaten me in exchange for that little bit of wrestling."

"True story," JJ agreed while my lips popped open in outrage. "The Copyright 2016 - 2024