Sinners' Playground (The Harlequin Crew #1) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,88

for her and as her eyes met mine, I beckoned her in, my possessive anger raking bloody claw marks across my insides. I itched to put a bullet in the skull of every man staring at her. And as I started striding toward the water with the intention of dragging her ass back into my arms, she flipped me off with both fingers.

“Rogue!” I bellowed, my head snapping around to take in the wolf whistling guys as my brain came close to combusting. Anyone who saw me promptly shut the fuck up, but my gaze locked on one asshole in particular who had his phone out, recording her.

Carter Jenson. The hippy junkie douchebag with his harem pants and cuntbag attitude.

I tore my attention away from him and waded out into the sea, swimming for Rogue as soon as I got deep enough. She wasn’t fast enough to escape me. I upended her board with a sharp tug on the nose of it and she screamed as she fell under the waves. I shoved the board behind me, letting it sail back to shore as I caught her waist and clutched her against me to shield her body from view.

“Let me go you psycho!” she shouted, clawing at my back as I flattened her against the plain of my chest. She wasn’t nearly strong enough to fight me off as I waded back to shore and caught her wrists, pinning them at the base of her spine. She sank her teeth into my shoulder and I groaned, unable to help liking that as I walked her up to my truck and JJ helpfully opened the door for me. I dumped her inside, climbing in after her and JJ tossed my shirt into the footwell, laughing his fucking head off.

I grabbed it and dragged it over her head while she kicked and screamed and writhed, but I wasn’t letting her go anywhere until she covered herself the fuck up.

“If you wanna stay here with your friends then put the fucking shirt on or I’m taking you home this second,” I snapped and she stilled in shock.

“You can’t treat me like a child,” she hissed, her body writhing beneath me and the scent of sea salt clinging to her flesh.

“I can if you behave like one,” I shot back. “What the fuck kind of stunt was that? You were trying to bait me.”

She narrowed her gaze then her eyes became hooded and she wet her lips. Her legs curled around me, drawing me flush against her body and my breathing came heavier as I considered how she might like being fucked on the bench of my truck. No one would question who she belonged to ever again if they heard her screaming my name.

“No Fox, I didn’t want to bait you,” she purred and my throat thickened as my gaze fell to her full lips, my dick grinding into the thin material of her bikini bottoms through my jeans, but it was all too much material for my liking. “I wanted to remind you that I’m not yours. And you can’t tell me what the fuck to do.” She slammed her forehead into mine and I cursed as I reared back while she tried to wriggle free and open the door behind her.

But she wasn’t getting away that easily. I clutched her hair in my grip, just tight enough to restrain her and she unhooked her legs from my waist, though the panting breaths leaving her were an obvious giveaway to how much she wanted me. So why couldn’t she just fucking admit it? Who cared if she hated me? She’d get over it once I was inside her making her scream.

“Do you wanna stay here and play with your friends?” I asked again and she locked her lips tight together. “Then I guess I’m taking you home.” I got off of her and she sat up, shaking her head, looking just as agonisingly tempting in my shirt as she had without it.

“No,” she blurted. “I wanna stay.”

I pressed my tongue into my cheek, stepping out of the truck. “Test me again and you’ll regret it,” I warned and she nodded, though I didn’t trust that innocent look for shit. I guessed I was soft for this girl though. I didn’t give second chances to anyone, let alone third or fourth chances. I mean, I was still considering a mass killing spree on this beach for anyone who had looked at her out Copyright 2016 - 2024