Sinners' Playground (The Harlequin Crew #1) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,164

a lesson, Maverick?” she asked, her long, dark lashes lowering to frame her eyes.

She had my name inked on the inside of her lip and I leaned down to drive my teeth into it, amused by her worshipping me like I that. If I was a god, I was the dark kind. The kind who drove fear into monsters’ hearts and ate virgins for breakfast.

There was only one girl I was in the mood to fuck since I’d seen her at The Dungeon, but Mia was a decent substitute. I pushed her onto the bed, turning her over and smacking her bare ass so she cried out for more. I grabbed the back of her neck, forcing her down into the sheets as I dropped over her and spoke in her ear.

“If I find you here again without my permission, I’ll kill you. Don’t fucking test me,” I snarled and she quivered, grinding her ass into my cock needily.

I freed my dick, running my hand up and down the tattooed length of it, a vision of rainbow hair wrapped in my fist making me even harder. I put on a condom and fucked Mia in the ass until she was screaming and begging for mercy, planning not to make her come, but she enjoyed this too much. Pain was pleasure to her. And that was fine by me. Because inflicting it was my fucking forte.

I let her stay when I was done, mostly because the girl was valuable to me and if I drove her away permanently, I’d shoot myself in the foot. She was the stepdaughter of Kaiser Rosewood, a man who currently inhabited a tightly locked down property which I wanted to get into. My first issue was that the manor was on Harlequin territory, so I couldn’t just stroll up there, even if I brought an army of my men with me. It had to be done more subtly than that. If I went to that house, I was leaving with the contents of the crypt. I couldn’t botch the job and risk alerting Kaiser to the value of that place. It was too precious. Because what lay in there could destroy the Harlequins. And help me get my revenge once and for all, even if it took me down with them.

Mia fell asleep beside me and I turned my back on her, closing my eyes in a bid for sleep to come. But it was never that easy. The nights were where my demons lived. And all that waited for me in the dark was a meeting with them eye to eye.

“I’ll break you down and build you up into a real man,” Officer White whispered in my ear.

I was in the trench, or so they called it. It was a maintenance level in the prison where there were no cameras. A place where there weren’t any laws, nothing but me and four animals in the dark.

“Are you sure you wanna mess with Luther Harlequin’s boy?” Reed chuckled.

“I’m not his boy,” I bit out.

“See, I told you,” White said.

“Is that why you never answer his calls, never see him when he comes to visitation?” Officer Hughes asked. “What happened to make you hate the big man, kid?”

“What are you, his fucking lap dogs?” I snarled.

They all laughed. All four of them. I’d thought the other inmates were bad, I’d feared what waited for me when the guards weren’t looking. I’d never even thought to fear what would happen when they were.

One of them spat on the ground near where I was kneeling and I flinched. I hated that I flinched. I wouldn’t do it again.

“Yeah, I’m a Harlequin just like your daddy,” Boyd growled and the others laughed again. It was always a cold sound, no humour in it really, just cruelty. They goaded each other until it became a game. And I was their favourite plaything lately.

“He’s not my father,” I growled, tugging against the handcuffs locking my arms behind my back.

White kicked me in the jaw and pain splintered through my mouth until I tasted blood. Rage and hate and fear burned a hole in my chest and I cursed them, goading them myself because I knew they wouldn’t stop until they’d had their pound of flesh either way.

“Hold him down,” White commanded, smoothing back his shiny blonde hair that reminded me all too much of Luther and my brother. He pulled his belt free of its loops and curled it around his fist. Copyright 2016 - 2024