Sinners' Playground (The Harlequin Crew #1) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,154

made her ass look seriously good.

"I was hoping you were coming," I said with a grin as we started walking together. "How are we getting to the club anyway?" Of course I had a car, but I was the kind of selfish asshole who wanted to drink tonight so I wasn't gonna offer to play the designated driver.

"A bunch of the guys will drive," she said dismissively. "They know it's pretty much a guaranteed way for them to end up getting laid tonight when they taxi everyone home anyway and if they do end up too wasted to drive, we can all just stumble off and catch a bus."

We made it to the gates which fronted the trailer park and found a group of around fifteen people waiting to head out. I recognised a few of them, but most were new faces to me.

"Holy shit, is that you Rogue?" a vaguely familiar voice called out and I turned, finding a guy leaning against the hood of a slightly beat up looking green Chevvy as his eyes ran over me. He was a pretty big dude with thick arms crossed over his broad chest, his muscular frame straining against the fabric of his grey shirt.

"Jake?" I asked in surprise, suddenly recognising the guy from my old group home and moving over to him with a grin.

"You still owe me a pack of jelly beans," he said accusingly, a smile playing around his lips. "The night you and Clive ran off you promised to bring me some."

My gut lurched at the mention of Clive's name. I knew exactly what had happened to that motherfucker but I guessed it made sense that the other kids in the group home assumed we'd run off together seeing as we'd disappeared around the same time, but I'd hated that creep and they all knew it. Either way, after all this time, it didn't make much sense to correct him and I let him drag me into a bear hug which almost drowned me in his cheap cologne.

I fought a cough as I stepped back and he grinned. "You wanna ride over to the club with me?" he offered.

"Sure," I hedged, taking note of the way he was looking at me and wondering if I had any interest in getting to know him with a whole lot less clothes involved. Maybe he could be the perfect remedy to my Harlequin habit.

I made a move to get into his car just as a girl with a pile of bleached blonde hair piled up on her head and about four inches of makeup caked on her skin moved into my way and dropped into the seat I'd been about to claim.

"Well look what the cat dragged back," she said, her eyes scraping over me in a totally judgemental way.

"Do I know you?" I asked coolly, refusing to rise to her bitch bait. Cat fights were seriously overrated and I didn't waste my time putting basic assholes like this one on their asses unless I had to.

"Err, I'm your foster sister," she said with a flinch of anger at the fact that I hadn't recognised her. "But I guess I'm not surprised the great Rogue Easton doesn't remember anyone aside from the Harlequin boys. I bet it stung to hear about me and Chase."

"Rosie?" I asked in surprised, squinting through the layers of foundation smothering her skin and finally recognising the girl I'd once shared a room with back in the home. She was the only bitch who had ever tried to say we were all foster brothers and sisters and it looked like she hadn't stopped being an annoying little fuck. "And what are you talking about, you and Chase?"

"Oh please. I know he would have told you all about me the moment you came crawling back to town, begging to suck their cocks again. But guess what? He chose me, not you, so go slobber over another guy because my big Chasey isn't interested in your sloppy pussy."

My lips popped open as I processed that. Chase and Rosie? Rosie?? The little troll who used to sleep beneath my bed and rat me out to Mary Beth at every give opportunity? Ew. Fuck no. How could he-

I stopped myself short as a stab of pain hit me somewhere deep in my gut and I knew she wasn't lying. Of course he'd fucked the girl I used to hate. Those boys had delighted in my fucking destruction so why not Copyright 2016 - 2024