Sinners' Playground (The Harlequin Crew #1) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,138

away from Afterlife, leaving the lights of the club behind as I headed into the hills that rose up on the west of town. I needed something to take my mind off of where I was headed so I glanced over at Rogue and started up our old favourite game. “Would you rather be as small as my thumb or as big as a tree?”

Rogue snorted. “Well how big’s your thumb?” She reached over, taking my hand and her soft fingers wrapped around my thumb. The amount of blood that sent to my dick was unbelievable really. Who needed Viagra when Rogue Easton was gripping their thumb? Sure as shit not me. But I didn’t think turning into a walking boner was a great idea right now considering our destination, so I pulled my hand free and rearranged my pants while she sniggered.

“Big enough for you, Easton?” I demanded.

“Nah, I’d be the size of a tree. Then I could squish my enemies. Squish squish squish.” She stomped her feet in the footwell.

“Who would you squish first? Fox or Chase?” I asked, ‘cause obviously she wouldn’t be squishing me. She might have been angry at me, but she also liked cuddling me naked in the shower and letting me spoon her in my bed.

“I wouldn’t squish either of them first,” she said and my heart jolted as her lips pressed together. I knew she was thinking of the asshole who’d tried to kill her and I dropped my hand to her knee, squeezing and figuring I was a goner for the boner anyways.

“You got a name for me yet, sweetheart?” I growled. I might have been a smiley, approachable bastard most of the time, but I’d spilled as much blood as my brothers in my time in the Harlequins. And I would happily put someone in the ground who’d hurt Rogue. Better yet, I’d chop him into tiny pieces and make a day of it, take Rogue out on a boat trip and feed the pieces of him to the sea life like breadcrumbs.

Chester and Jolene had come up fucking short too, even after Fox had offered to double the pay out for a name. I didn’t get it. Rogue wasn’t the kind of girl to go unnoticed so why weren’t there even whispers going around that could lead us back to the motherfucker who had hurt her?

“No, and you’re not getting one. Would you rather eat a dog turd pie or a pile of Rosie Morgan’s toenails?”

“How well baked is this pie?” I asked and she chuckled.

“It’s really well baked.”

“And is there apple sauce?”

“Sure, but you can have that with the toenails too,” she said.

I mimed gagging. “Dog turd all the way.”

“Glad we still agree on something.”

I wondered what she’d think if she found out that Chase was hooking up with that bitch these days and decided not to bring it up. There probably wasn’t a good time to mention that one of her former best friends had been doing the dirty with a girl she freaking hated. Not that he would ever have something official with Rosie. But I couldn’t help but wonder how Rogue would have felt about it if she’d come back to find one of us shacked up with a girl.

“Rosie asked me out once, you know?” I said, smirking at the horrified look on her face. It was the truth, but I hadn’t been interested. I think for a while she’d hoped to take Rogue’s spot as the girl in our group but that had never been on the cards.

“Ew, gross, what did you say to her?” she demanded.

“That she couldn’t afford me. Would it have bothered you to come back here and find us playing house with girlfriends though?”

“I can’t really picture that somehow,” she said thoughtfully, scrunching her nose in the cutest fucking way. “Have there been girlfriends then?”

I shrugged. “Not really. Fox has kept the odd girl around for a month or two from time to time. I prefer to keep my sex life financial for the most part and Chase doesn’t put effort in to girls since…” I wracked my brain over that. “Well, since never. You were the only one he ever really wanted.” I shrugged, thinking of what Chase had said about Rogue picking Maverick. Had he taken her virginity? Had she loved him? I couldn’t say those thoughts hadn’t been haunting me, because as much as I wanted to write it off as something that happened ten years Copyright 2016 - 2024