Sinners' Playground (The Harlequin Crew #1) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,133

the line and I stopped talking as the automated message rang in my ear.

"This caller has used their ten minute package. Please stay on the line."

I pressed the speaker phone button as some weird ass orchestral music sounded and I tossed my cell down beside my coffee, stretching my arms above my head as I yawned. Come on Juicy Latexdream351. You know you wanna pay for those extra minutes.

But it looked like I'd finished her too fast and the call died a moment later. Damn, I'm too good at fetish phone sex to make decent money out of it.

"Is your girlfriend into balloons?" Adam asked, his brow pinching like he'd never heard of such a thing. I'd heard of all the things though. Nothing surprised me. I'd once had a girl pay to baste me like a turkey and tickle my giblets. The gobbling part was weird, but I was kinda getting into it by the end.

"No, man. First rule of Stripper Club, you don't have girlfriends. But you make sure every girl in the room thinks they’re your girl." I smirked. "I was just making some quick phone sex cash."

"Oh right...I don't think I could do all that phone sex stuff," Adam said, rearranging the army pants he was wearing which matched mine. It was his first night dancing in the show and the sweat on his brow said he was nervous as shit. But the kid was a natural if he could just get out of his own way. And I'd trained him up personally, so obviously he was going to be a fucking star.

"Yeah well, dirty talk is my second language," I said with a shrug. "Sadly they don't teach it on Duo Lingo, but I'm a self taught master. If you ever want some lessons, give me a shout."

He chuckled, flattening down his wavy blonde hair and I pushed out of my seat, knocking his hand away and shoving my fingers into his thick locks. "Oh Adam, the girls here don't want you looking put together. You're not going on a date with Nancy Drew. You're going to tease a bunch of horny women and you need to live on in their fantasies after tonight so they come back next Thursday, and the following one and the one after that." I messed up his hair and he eyed me in the mirror with his large grey eyes which were going to get a lot of seats wet in the club tonight. Estelle was going to be working overtime to clean them after.

I handpicked my dancers and the moment Adam had walked in to audition, I'd gotten dollar signs in my eyes. The problem was, I hadn't been banking on him being such a holy Joe. Pretty boys like him usually had experience with teasing women, but from what he'd told me, he'd only gotten really hot in the last year. He was twenty two and had broken up with his girlfriend who he'd been with since he was sixteen. So I was dealing with a one pussy wonder who'd had his self esteem ripped out by a rich bitch who’d replaced it with a whole lot of doubt. She was from the upper quarter and he was from the lower. It was all that star crossed bullshit I had no time for, and oh-what-a-surprise, she'd chosen Daddy's trust fund over him in the end. So he'd shown up here because the guy had nowhere else to go and had experience in dance because said bitch girlfriend had encouraged him to learn so she had someone to practise her Latin ballroom bullshit with. Bitches were nice like that.

Now he had no money and his parents lived in Mexico and called once a year so I'd taken him under my wing because well, ker-ching. But also, I knew what it felt like to be kicked to the curb and have your whole life pulled out from under you. I'd also hooked him up with a room in an apartment that my girls Cherry and Kitty shared. It was only a matter of time before one of them showed him the art of decent pussy and he forgot all about Miss Too-Good-For-Him. I'd suggested he invite her fancy ass down here in a few months’ time and watch him lead a show where a hundred girls screamed his name and begged to suck his dick. Karma was a cunt. And I was her wily sidekick.

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