Sinners' Playground (The Harlequin Crew #1) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,129

my waistband as he pushed his fingers beneath it right below my naval. "If you got me between your thighs you'd be wetter than you are right now and you wouldn't be faking a damn thing." His hand pushed lower and I gasped as his eyes lit at the realisation that I had no panties on.

"I'll believe it when I see it," I hissed, glaring at him and yet somehow not making any move to stop the descent of his hand. Not that I wanted him to keep going or anything, because I freaking hated him and I had no intention of fucking his hand right here in broad daylight. But for some reason I was playing chicken with him again and I refused to be the one to blink first.

Chase ran his gaze down my body, taking in my hardened nipples pressing through my borrowed shirt and the way my chest was rising and falling heavily. His gaze met mine and he cocked his head as if to say game on, despite the hatred raging between us.

His hand pushed lower and a gasp escaped my lips because he was about two inches away from finding out that the sea water wasn't the only reason I was wet right now and I was, for some unthinkable reason, getting really turned on by the idea of him flipping this hatred into lust and doing exactly what he was threatening to do.

I moved my own hand to his shorts, grasping the thick, hard length of his cock through the drenched material and daring him with my eyes to do his damn worst while appreciating the fact that there definitely wasn’t any dick shrinking issues from steroids going on with him after all. He sucked in air through his teeth and I got the reaction I wanted as all that hate in his eyes melted into a liquid pool of desire.

"Is this your dog?" a woman's horrified shout came from somewhere to my right and I snatched my hand back as I turned to look at the V blocker in question while she pointed at Mutt and glared at me.

Chase withdrew his hand too, grabbing my elbow and making me walk with him towards the shore. "What of it?" he called back angrily.

"He just took a dump by my sandcastle," she said angrily and I couldn't help but laugh.

"So clean it up, bitch," Chase tossed back at her. "I don't give a shit about that."

I snorted to myself. Give a shit. Nice.

The woman looked furious and turned to glare at Mutt who promptly turned and ran from her to start digging through a bag of trash that had been left beside the garbage can at the top of the beach, but not inside it. Some people really were animals.

"If you won't get it under control then I'll call my boyfriend up and he'll come drown it," the woman squawked and fury lit in my veins.

"You what?" I demanded, but Chase had already released me and he strode out of the water straight towards the bitch, muscles tense, water dripping and fury lining his features like a freaking vengeful god of the sea.

Maybe I could call up Poseidon and get him one of those giant fork thingymajigs and he could play out a fantasy where I was a mermaid and he was – wait, where would he stick his dick if I was a mermaid? And how do mermaids poop? I shook my head to dispel the nonsense taking part in it in favour of paying attention to the dog-hating bitch getting put in her box.

"Do you know who the fuck you're talking to?" Chase demanded as he stalked closer to her. "I'm a fucking Harlequin. Which means that mutt is a Harlequin too. So guess what, you drown him and I'll be coming to collect that debt from you in blood. And I won't make it quick either. I'll sneak into your house at night and cut your boyfriend’s throat so that you can watch him bleed out and then I'll play pin cushion with your ugly ass. Do you know what that means?"

The woman shook her head as she tried to back away, her whole body trembling with fear.

"It's a game where I see how many holes I can stick in a person before they bleed out on me. You know, like you’re a pin cushion. My current record is seventy four, but I think if I take my time with you, Copyright 2016 - 2024