A Sinful Trap - R.G. Alexander Page 0,30

know you don’t appreciate surprises. You like it?”

He had to know she did. Pikeson must have handed over all his files, including the one she’d made on redecorating ideas in case he ever decided to get rid of the twenty-year-old couch she’d re-stuffed twice and hidden with brightly colored quilts and throw pillows. “I love it.”

“She loves it,” he murmured. “I was hoping you would say that.”

He was killing her with that voice. He probably gave fantastic phone sex.

And she needed to stop thinking about that right now. “We should hang up because I slept late and I need to shower before I can go meet your entourage and the new furniture.”

“Shower.” He groaned and she swore it felt as if he’d grabbed her ass and squeezed. “You in the shower. Right. Good. I’m going to go put the pilot in a headlock to try and get him to speed things up. Davide wants me to tell you he’s sending you a text. We’ll be back soon.”

She wanted to ask him to promise, but that would be way too clingy, way too soon. “Later.”



“What do you mean by ‘very attractive people’? Who do you think is attractive?”

She hung up without answering and her phone instantly dinged with Davide’s text.

Davide: Have a nice shower, sweet. Think of me doing dirty things…but don’t kiss Bunny while we’re gone. Is she the one you think is attractive? Asking for Cam.

She smiled. Now dirty things were all she’d be thinking of, but that was better than the alternative—this ache in her chest at the temporary absence of men she barely knew. A few days ago, she hadn’t been looking forward to their first meeting. How was it she was already so attached?

And who was Bunny?


Bunny was a goddess, she thought, not for the first time as she walked past all the souvenir shops, restaurants, statues and art that cluttered Uptown Sedona. She was too early for her lunch with Dani and Kaya, but she’d needed to get away from the inn for a while.

The last few hours had been interesting. After her shower, she’d been on her way to greet Ava in the kitchen when she ran into Bunny. The Amazonian Black woman was dressed in paint-spattered overalls, looked and carried herself like a runway model, and her confidence and humor had put Bailey instantly at ease. Now she understood why Davide had warned her not to kiss this woman. If she hadn’t met him and Cam first, she would be tempted.

As if they’d received some silent signal, the rest of the entourage had all wandered into the kitchen, one or two at a time, to greet her. Aaron was a big sweetheart. Deter was intense. Lena and Muhammad appeared to be together, and Wags had enough energy that Bailey could guess why he’d been given his nickname.

They weren’t anything like she’d imagined, though they were all tall and gorgeous enough to make her wish she’d taken a little more time with her appearance—and that high heels and makeup were appropriate for working in the garden. But otherwise she could find nothing wrong with them. They were smart and interesting and ready to work.

And boy, did they. While she’d actually done more watching than gardening, they’d installed new lightweight, environmentally friendly composite tiles with jaw-dropping efficiency. Candle Joe and a few other neighbors had stopped by just to marvel at their speed, since people in Sedona rarely did anything in a hurry.

They were nearly done with roof by the time she left. Plus, all the windows sparkled and the common room and empty guest rooms were almost entirely refurnished with beds and dressers directly out of her wish file. Practically overnight, she had the inn of her dreams.

Yesterday, Cam’s command decisions had felt like an overstep. Today she was unusually Zen about it. Unusually being the operative word. Maybe it was a side effect of sleeping in, the smell of bacon, the sight of happy guests and the arrival of pretty furniture you could sit on without being stabbed in the ass. The Enchanted Inn was finally living up to its name.

If you were enjoying the changes so much, why did you run away?

Bailey frowned, passing her favorite pottery gallery without even peeking through the windows. Her fluctuating emotional state and new obsession with all things Cam and Davide still worried her. She couldn’t stop thinking about them. She’d actively tried, but she kept reliving Cam’s kiss, and couldn’t resist responding to Davide’s silly

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