Sinful As Hell (The Demon Academy #1) - G. Bailey Page 0,41

a lesson with him. Try to remember how everyone thinks it's sexual tension. I'm sure you will notice something," she suggests as she mixes milk and hot chocolate powder together while the kettle boils.

"It's not—"

"I'm a wolf, and I can scent a change in pheromones. Like when someone is sexually attracted to someone else," she says and chuckles as I sit in silence, not having an answer for that one. Thankfully someone knocks on the door a few times, and before either Sera or I can answer it, it opens and Claus, followed by Nikoli and a guy I don't know, walk in.

"Usually when you knock, you wait for someone to answer the door," I point out as Sera freezes in what she is doing and comes to my side, bowing her head. I hate how she feels like she has to do that. The other guy with the Lucifer twins is clearly their wolf salve, judging by his clothes and how he keeps his head bowed, his thick brown curly hair hiding his face. I’ve seen him around the academy with the twins, but never this close.

"Oh shit, we should do introductions before we go to the party," Claus says, smoothly jumping over the sofa and landing in front of Sera, surprising me when he holds his hand out for her to shake.

"Wait, what party?" I ask, walking around them as I hear the kettle finish. I pour the hot water into my cup as I keep an eye on Claus.

"I'm Claus, and that dickhead over there is my brother, Nikoli. The silent wolf is Santino Franco. The only time he likes to talk is in his sleep. You are?" Claus ignores my question completely, and Sera looks to me, her wide eyes terrified. I stir my hot chocolate as I carefully watch Claus and try to think of what to say.

"What do you do to the girl, beat her silent?" Nikoli asks. "I didn't know you had a violent side, Lexi."

"What?" I splutter. "I don't—"

"I'm Serafin," Sera finally speaks, just to stick up for me, I suspect.

"Last name?" Claus asks.

"That's not important," she is quick to reply, and it was defensive in a way I haven’t heard Sera speak before.

"It is to us. See Lexi is our mate and we want to be sure her slave is from a good line," Nikoli speaks for the first time, and Sera looks to me, and I can only nod. I doubt they will cause trouble for Sera if they want me on their side. I would only hate them more if they did, so I can’t see the harm in them knowing who she is. They might find out anyway.

"Serafin Lupas," she answers.

"Holy shit, you're the alpha's daughter. No fucking way," Claus says, looking damn shocked. “Though you do look like the ugly bastard. Kind of. You are more pretty.”

"And a friend of mine. Be nice or get the fuck out," I warn them both.

"Are you going to make us leave, Alexandria?" Nikoli teases.

"If you are threatening her, then yes," I firmly reply, ignoring his teasing.

"Chill. We don't believe in the wolf slave laws any more than most the decent people here, but it is what it is. Dad won't change his mind," Claus says, breaking the tension. I slip my hot chocolate, flinching a little from the hot water.

"You asked him to change things?" I eventually say as Sera comes over and stands close to me. Claus jumps on the counter, resting back like he owns the building.

"Claus is always asking to change things," Nick drones in a bored tone. "I prefer everything as it is. Less chance of a war that could destroy everything that way."

"Even if hundreds suffer?" I ask.

"Wars kill thousands, if not millions. A few hundred bastards are no price at all to avoid that," Nick says, and I shake my head.

“Wow, you really are an asshole not only in your behaviour but your beliefs too,” I mutter and Nick glares at me.

"Okay, we are going very much off topic here and killing the vibe," Claus says, jumping off the counter, smoothly stepping in front of me and blocking my view of his brother. "There is a party tonight, and we want you to come. It would be good for us to spend time together."

"I don't want to party, so thanks, but no thanks," I say. “You can both leave now.”

"I told you she has a stick stuck up her ass like Morgan," Nick tells Copyright 2016 - 2024